The Hand of The Lord

This week went by pretty fast because we had conferencia de Zona, and weve been contacting and teaching a ton! Elder Garcia and I are having a blast and seeing so many tender mercies. We have a couple baptisms planned for the upcoming weeks, and each day I feel like im starting to get the hang of this spanish thing! 

In the Conference we talked about how our time as a missionary is sacred and consegrated, and a time that only comes once in your life, where you can devote everything to the Lord. And Im so grateful for this time I have to serve the Lord and the people here in Argentina. I love the culture and the people here, and Its amazing how much love you feel for the people you are called to serve.

Especally now in our mission, we have the important task of building a people who will be prepared for a temple in Salta, and the Lord trusts us to help the people prepare. Sometimes it can get disgouraging because it feels like we arent seeing as much progress as wed like, but I dont have any doubts because this truly is the work of the Lord. 

Ive realized how much that God works through other people. As I look back it is so evident that he has placed certain people in our path to help with the progress of other people. His hand is so evident and we need to humble ourselves enough to seek to do his will. 

La comida: 
This sunday I wasnt feeling that good, and after we finished up contacting a house I went to the side of the road and threw up everything! Literally cleaned out my stomach and I felt a lot better after and my comp looked at me with a look in his eye that said, ¨poor guy¨ and then handed me a mint. And then we taught 2 more lessons. And then the next day Elder Garcia through up while we were driving to tafi de Valle, so we mustve ate something bad

Sunday was a good day though because I met my friend the horse but he didnt want to talk so I chased him

Elder Garcia y yo con Boca jerseys


Kids we played soccer with


 This P day we went to tafi de Valle and it was so awesome! we went some members and here's the pics


  1. I remember taking a trip to Tafi del Valle! The road up there was crazy! Lots of windy turns and twists and drop-offs... I wonder if that's why your comp up-chucked?

    On your way there you passed two of my favorite areas, Lules and Famaillá. I hope one day you cross paths with people I knew.

    Looks like you're doing a lot of great work, Elder!


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