Already Two Weeks!

Que Pasa Calabazas! I cant believe its been two weeks here. Ever since the first day time has flown by! The language was coming so quickly and I learned so much in the first week, I just need to make sure that I keep learning and dont get stagnant. Also things have gotten into a rythm here so its jsut been a blur! 
On thursday, it was our last lesson with daniela and it went really well. I feel like we followed the spirit and were able to answer her questions about baptism!

Friday We prepared for our next people we are teaching, Ignasio and Salma! we also did a service project during gym time and that was awsome! 

Saturday, We had our first lesson with ignasio and we learned alot! we kinda overwhelmed him with info when we should have realized that he had a limited knowledge of God. It was still great though and we testified of what we knew to be true.

Sunday was great and we learned a lot about aligning our will with the will of God. Also Our district leader was appointed zone leader and I was appointed as new district leader so thats kinda cool! A few more responsibilites but our district is so great I dont do much. We also had a great devotinal about the book of mormon, and my testimony has grown so much of its truthfulness. Also our teacher Hermano ochoa is hilarious and I cant wati to befreind him on instagram in two years haha

Monday, Our lesson with salma was amazing! we learned from ignasio and testified simply of Jesus Christ and his love for us. The gospel is so simple! We tend to complicate it sometimes but all it comes down to is that we love the savior because he loved us first. And we cant comprehend how much he loves us! also I woke up today and my whole left arm was numb and it was super weird and I had no control of it haha. 

Tuesday Today our lesson with ignasio was in english so that was different but it was easier to say exactly what we wanted to say! but I thought how it was cool that we are already at the point that we feel confident in a lesson wether its in english or spanish. I almost prefer spanish because of how much more you have to rely on the spirit to touvh their heart, and not on the words youre saying.
We also had a great devotional about doing things the lords way and trusting in him to help us, But If Not, that we will trust in him anyways becasue in his own time if we turn to him he will deliver us. But its going to be in his onw time. I love DyC 122 when it talks about every thing that could literally go wrong, and how the savior has descended lower. 

Today we are going to the temple so thats going to be cool, and Im excited to see more of mexcio city! we sure hear a lot of fireworks and stuff going on in the streets but Im excited to see more of the culture here. We are pretty sheleterd here in the CCM. 

I know that this gospel is true and its those small moments during lesson that we feel the spirit, even though we know they are actors, that to have the possibility to bring a soul closer to Christ. These moments are pure joy and they make up for all the homesickness or trials we will face in the mission. 
These past few days I have come to a greater knwledge of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, and that it truly is the word of God. It contains the fulness of The gospel of Jesus Christ and that we can draw closer to him by reading it. We have been talking what our lives would be like without it and of course we wouldnt have the truths that are in it but for me I have realized that the real thing I would be missing is my realationship with my savior Jesus Christ. He is my everything and These two years are so uniqye in that I am set apart to represent him. Everything I do should be in align with his will, and He lives today through me. I didnt realize this but as a missionary, we have the proper authority to invite others unto baptism. And it is only in these two years that we have that authority. 
Charity is also such a necessity and I know that hearts will turn to Christ if we have a love for God and a christlike love for others. 
I also have gained such a strong testimony of prayer and I dont know where but there's a scripure that says if we as humans know how to give things our children ask unto them , how much more so does our father in heaven know how to give us things if we ask for goods things with full sinceriity of Heart. I know this to be true. I love you all!
Elder Blackburn

This is Keri (Mom) now...These next 3 pictures are pictures I found while stalking the Mexico MTC Facebook Page the past 2 weeks.   I found this first one after he had just been there a day or two.  I was so happy to see his smiling face.  This is the day he arrived after 24 hrs of traveling and is still wearing the clothes we sent him off in. There's usually quite a few pictures to scan through of lots of busy missionaries and I always get so excited when I find him.  


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