Blessed by the restoration Jan 4, 2020

So its been like 4 days since I've written last, but now we're back on
normal schedule, now that Christmas and new years have passed.

Today we went and played soccer with President Orquera on a field that
overlooks the city and that was a lot of fun. Afterwards we went to a
lake nearby. The lake was cool but the drive was probably the best

In these few days we've been preparing to talk to the mission about
how we need to be better teachers of the Gospel, and how were going to
focus on teaching about the Restoration. We had a leadership council
on Friday, and Elder Garcia and I stayed up till 2 am getting
everything ready.
In this next week were heading to Santiago (almost 7 hours to the
south) and then Tucuman to give zone conferences. I'm pretty excited,
and then the week after we'll be heading to Jujuy and then ending here
in Salta.

I know that God is our Father, and that he loves us with a perfect
love. I know that his son Jesus Christ came to earth and by his love
he showed us the way. With his authority he established his Church,
and sent his Apostles to preach his Gospel.  He accomplished the will
of his father and died to perform a perfect Atonement. He resurrected
to give us hope, and he lives today.
I know there was an Apostasy, a time where the world began to change
his teachings, a time where once again the earth needed a Prophet. I
know God saw the state of the world, and out of his love for us, in
the right time, called a Prophet like in the times of old to
communicate his will with his children. 200 years ago God and Jesus
Christ appeared to Joseph Smith. He saw them face to face, talked with
them, and later worked with them to restore the Church of Christ in
its Ancient order.  Line upon line, the Lord restored the fullness of
his Gospel, and I'm so grateful for what that means in my life and
that Ive been called to share his restored Gospel in Argentina.

Love you all!

1. President showing me how to make an Asado
2. Playing soccer with Pres on a field that overlooked the city
3. my comp and I at dinner at the mission home


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