My First Dog Experience

Hola familia y amigos

This week went by faster than the last and Im just trying to take it all in! Our lessons have been going great and each day my spanish gets better! Its awesome and they say if you can understand the spanish in Tucumàn you can understand any spanish so that gives me hope haha. We have two solid baptismal dates, they just have to get married buts its been great to see them progress especially as they see how the blessings of the gospel can help them more and more!

Ive seen a lot of poverty around the world, but its been totally different knowing the people and loving them because some people are living in some pretty sad conditions, but its also been amazing because they are so so humble and love the lord and we can all learn a lot from them. Humility is so important and I hope to always seek the will of the lord in my life.

¨and the lord provided for them that they should hunger not, neither should they thirst; yea and he also gave them strength, that they should suffer no manner of afflictions, save it were swallowed up in the Joy of Christ¨

On Friday we had a zone conference and it was with 4 other zones and i got to see some friends from the MTC so that was awesome! I also met some more elders from Oregon and one of them Elder Carter is from my Grandparents ward so that was cool to see him! I think we met years ago at a youth dance in the dalles but idk haha. We learned a lot about how important faith is and being true disciples of Jesus Christ.

Something Ive learned a lot about on the mission and especially in the past week is how we can get personal revelation. God promises if we ask in faith we will recieve it if it is good, but something that is so important is that we need to do EVERYTHING in our power first. Hes not just going to give us it, he wants us to excercise our agency rightously, and consult with him in ALL our doings. Then he will confirm to us if it is his will through our feelings and thoughts. Obviously its a bit more complicated than that, but Its a process of learning how to seek his will in everything. Ït is not meted that God should command in all things, men should be anxiously enganged in a good cause of their own free will¨(somehwere in DyC)

Futbol is so big here and its been cool to play with kids here and there and we play every pday so thats been awesome! Each week these school kids who are probably 12 come and play and woop our butts

And OK, I love dogs, and so far all the dogs have been so nice and there are so many. They usually bark a lot when we contact but once we are around them they always have been so friendly. But for some reason last week, for some reason two dogs decided they felt differently. Here me and my companion were, just minding our own business when suddedly two dogs start chasing me, and they are not in the slightest friendly. And they only ran after me! IThey only stopped chasing me because of a bus that came down the middle of the road that I almost got hit by. The rest of that day I was pretty timid around other dogs haha

Other fun fact, pretty much everykind of tree you could imagine is here and its so weird especially when its so cold and theres palm trees. And almost every street has orange trees on it and theres houses with cactuses and so many pine trees and literally every kind of tree so thats been cool.

I love this work and these people and I already know these two years will go by too fast. Love you all! Chau
Hermano Mansilla´s 89th birthday

One of the windows from our pension

 futbol legends from España y brasil 
The Stake Center where we play soccer


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