Miracle Baptism and a Change of Heart

This week was great and its crazy its already P-day again! I love being here in Argentina

Elder Garcia and I didn't find that many new people to teach, but we had a miracle this week and are continuing to work hard! It rained a ton this week and when it rains, it pours (see pics below).  I got a little sick after the rain but feel a lot better now. This week we met with a family in the ward and the dad was the zone leader of David Archuleta in his mission in Chile, so that was cool to talk to him about that.

This week we were working a ton with Maria to get her ready for her baptism. She loves the scriptures and we met with her everyday this week, but Friday she told us that she likes the discussions but feels content with her baptism when she was a baby, and we were pretty bummed because we were so excited for her and felt like she was progressing. 

But then that same day we were having a lesson with Roque, and were talking about the 10 commandments. Roque is awesome but had an accident with a motorcycle when he was younger so sometimes its hard for him to understand things or read, and he usually is pretty quiet, but when we have the spirit there, he completely opens up and its so cool to see that when we teach him. 
During this lesson everything he had to say was about baptism, and he asked if he could get baptized tomorrow. Me and my comp looked at each other and were a bit speechless. We got everything set and then he was baptized the next day! He asked me to baptize him and it was one of the most spiritual experiences I've had

Roque and his change has been such a testament to me that the savior has the power to change hearts. Its been like nothing else to see him Physically change, and have this desire to follow his savior. Right before he was baptized he came up to me and said, ¨soy feliz¨ , and the spirit that night was so crazy! 

I have so much love for my savior and for the opportunity I have to be an instrument in his hands to bring others unto him. 


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