Words of Life

Hola everybody
Last week idk what happened or why it was in Spanish but hope y'all had fun translating. 

This week I hit the 4 month mark and it blows my mind I've been on my mission for that long! Time is kinda non existent here and I'm just enjoying sharing the gospel with others. 

Also I'm all done with training which is crazy, and my new comp is Elder Garcia! he just got done training Elder Perkins, who was my comp in the CCM! Hes from Guatemala and were gonna have a great transfer. Its his last transfer of the mission but I hope he doesn't think things are gonna slow down cause were gonna get to work haha

This week was good and we had a lot of success with finding new people to teach. It has been so evident to me lately that people are prepared to hear the gospel and we just need to find them!

We taught Gabriela Vargas again and set a baptism date! It was so amazing and felt like a manifestation of DyC 84,85. ¨Neither take ye thought beforehand what ye shall say, but treasure up in your minds the words of life, and it shall be given you in the very hour that portion that shall be meted unto every man¨
That morning I had studied the bible a lot in preparation for inviting her to be baptized and found some good scriptures talking about the priesthood authority necessary and the need for the gift of the holy ghost. During the lesson I felt the gift of tongues and the spirit was so strong and everything seemed to fit so perfectly, and she said she wants to get baptized!

I know that when we teach by the spirit the lord will be with us, and testify to their hearts the truthfulness of what were saying. I know the Lord is guiding us and that this is his work and we can be effective instruments in his hands. 

We also did exchanges this week which was fun, and I was with Elder Christiansen in his area. Hes form Oregon so it was cool to talk to him about home and stuff. Their area is more in the countryside and we taught one family of 11, and most of them are little girls. I remember the spirit was so strong and it was another time I felt like a minister of Jesus Christ. We taught them outside their house which is a small shack, and they all gathered around us as we taught them the Plan of Salvation that their father in heaven has for them. 

Elder Christiansen compared missionary work to wrestling. You don't need to know fancy moves to be good. You need to know the basics so well that you can use them on anyone. And its so true with sharing the gospel. We learn the doctrine so that we can share it with the most educated person to the least, and so they can understand it and apply it in their lives!

And this Sunday we taught a lesson to some youth from the ward our age and we read Alma 32 where it talks how faith is like a seed and we need to nurture it. But first it starts with a desire to change and a hope that change is possible in Jesus Christ! because that's the point of this life in a nutshell, to become more like our savior and redeemer. 

I love this work and know that Jesus Christ lives and is at the head of it. I'm trying to enjoy every minute of my time here in Argentina because it is going by so fast! 
happy Halloween (they don't really celebrate it here)

The Family of 11

                                                                 Chau Elder Baum
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