Jesucristo Basta- April 22, 2019

This week was amazing. We are working pretty hard in an area that's
pretty hard, but in my 3 months here I've seen a change and I know the
Lord has big plans for his children here in Embarcacion.
Some Experiences from this week.

As we were walking in the street we heard a huge rumbling in the
distance, and we couldn't figure out what it was. It sounded like a
crowd cheering or something like that.  After a little bit we realized
that it was RAIN! And it was coming FAST. The streets turned to mud in
seconds and we began running from literal wall of rain. WE got soaked
but ran to a nearby house of someone we are teaching!

Another day we were walking and a little girl in front of us was with
her family. She turned around and asked us about the people that hurt
Jesus. We had never talked to them before, but she seemed to recognize
us as servants of the Lord, and we began talking to her and her family
about Christ, and our message, and we set up another appointment to
talk to their whole family!

We met this amazing family. They were a house we had contacted and
they are so freaking cool. We taught all the kids and their aunt too,
and taught them about the restoration, and showed a video that
explains prophets and dispensations. They said they wanted to get
baptized the 11th!

We have 12 people with a baptism date, and that's such a miracle. The
lord is aware of all his children, and wants them all to enjoy the
blessings of the Restored Gospel.

We taught seminary again, and I'm realizing how much I like teaching.
Its kinda been my life the past 10 months, but I've loved it,  and I
love bringing others unto Jesus Christ.

Sunday we gave talks in Church on the resurrection, and then that
night we contacted our neighbors and had a good talk with them.

if not, its not of God.

I know that is true. As we uplift and edify those around us, we allow
the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ work through us, and we
will truly be disciples of Christ.

Also i found a song called Jesucristo Basta, and I love the words. Ill
put them below and let ya translate them for fun haha.

Nuestros corazones insaciables son
Hasta que conocen a su salvador
Tal y como somos nos amó
Hoy nos acercamos sin temor

Él es el agua que al beber
Nunca más tendremos sed
Jesucristo basta

Mi castigo recibió
Y su herencia me entregó
Jesucristo basta

Fuimos alcanzados por su gran amor
Con brazos abiertos nos recibe hoy
Tal y como somos nos amó
Hoy nos acercamos sin temor

Ahora hay un futuro y esperanza fiel
En su amor confiamos, hay descanso en Él

(Translation I (mom) found on google translate...maybe Isaac can verify it when he gets's beautiful message)...
Our insatiable hearts are
Until they know their savior
As we are, he loved us
Today we approach without fear

He is the water that when drinking
We will never be thirsty again
Jesus Christ is enough

My punishment received
And his inheritance handed me
Jesus Christ is enough

We were reached by his great love
With open arms receives us today
As we are, he loved us
Today we approach without fear

Now there is a future and faithful hope
In his love we trust, there is rest in Him

1.outside our house
2.making food
3.lunch with the zone!


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