A Week of Miracles! Dec 3rd
Wow. This transfer we have seen so many miracles and this week alone has been unreal. The hand of the Lord is so evident and everything has worked in such a way that it could only be his work. This week Elder Garcia and I were so tired each night we got to the pension, but we couldn't be more happy. Here's some of the miracles we've seen this week!

- Maria is a lady we've been teaching for a while, and she knows so much about the bible. She loves talking to us, but has decided and then back out of getting baptized a few times. This week she asked us to interpret her dream, and she told us how she dreamed that her grandparents were dressed in white, and were calling out to her. We taught her about the work we do in temples, and how her family members who have died are waiting for someone to do their work for them, and that they know how close she is to having the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ in her life. This experience helped her feel more sure of her desire to get baptized
- Nelson is a kid we've been teaching and his desire to get baptized is unreal! But his mom hasn't given us permission, and told us that he already was baptized. End of Story. Well we've been praying a ton, and I personally have been seeking guidance on how we could help her. And we stopped talking about missionary stuff and just started getting to know them and their family. After a while she opened up and we were able to share with them how what we teach really is the teachings of Jesus Christ, and that anything good comes from God. She gave us permission if it really was what her son wanted and he told her that it was! Hes getting baptized with his cousin this week
- One night we were contacting houses for hours, and nobody wanted to talk. Literally nobody. Elder Garcia told me how it was a trial of faith and literally the last house we talked to let us in and we had an amazing lesson with their family. They didn't believe in God but the spirit there was so strong that at the end they really wanted to know for themselves if he existed.
- We talked for 4 hours with the dad of a family we've been teaching, and man this guy knows everything there is to know about religion. All religions. His knowledge of the scriptures was unreal and he had some things against the Book of Mormon and the prophet Joseph smith. I know enough of the doctrine, but only to an extent. During these 4 hours it was unreal because we definitely had the spirit and every question or doubt he had we had answers and the scriptures came to us and how and when to use them. It strengthened my testimony of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. There are so many religions today in the world, and all are great and have the light of Christ. But what we teach is his complete doctrine, with prophets and apostles and his priesthood power that once again has been given to man to act in his name.
- This Sunday we passed by the two kids who are getting baptized and we also had been fasting for the people we wanted to come to church. As we were walking to church the kids were like, HEY can my cousins come? and their friends? and this other kid? Long story short we ended walking to church through the streets with 8 kids, and all have potential to get baptized! Milagros por supuesto!
And we've seen so many more tender mercies and I've just been so happy. Elder Garcia goes home in a week and I'm thinking ill probably stay in this area. Which is great because we have so many people who are progressing and ill spend Christmas with people I know.
This Christmas season is truly about the Lord Jesus Christ. In him we find peace. Through him we find joy. And by following his teachings and living his gospel we find true happiness. Love you all and never lose hope in the light and life of the world. Chau!!
1. la familia de Nelson
2. amigos
4. familia de Roque with a bunny
5. fĂștbol!
6.dope familia en su taxi
7. almuerzo hoy
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