I'm Gonna be a Dad March 4, 2019

We got transfers and it turns out Im gonna train a new missionary so
that's gonna be interesting! We go to Salta Tuesday to pick up our
¨sons¨ haha

Now let me tell you about Emilce:
Shes a woman that we recently started to teach and here is her story.
She had recently had her baby, but after it was born she got sick and
her baby too. She was in the hospital, and while there, couldn't sleep
due to her sickness and stress about her baby. While there she was
sharing a room with another woman (a member of the Church) and one day
some people came to give her a priesthood blessing. Afterwords they
asked Emilce if shed like a blessing too and she said yes. After the
blessing she said she felt her chest expand with love. That night she
slept for the first time in 4 days.
     In the days that followed her baby's situation got worse, and it
was suffering a lot. Emilce remembered that her roommate at the
hospital had taught her how to pray, and although she hadn't prayed
much in her life, she poured her heart out to God and asked that her
baby would stop suffering and that it could rest.
    That night her baby died. But Emilce felt peace and new that her
baby was at peace. The woman that received a blessing sent the address
of Emilce to the missionaries in Salta, and they sent it to us here in
Embarcacion. We taught her about the Plan of Salvation, read DYC
101.36 with her, and testified of the peace we find in Christ. The
spirit was there with us, and we felt Gods love for Emilce and her
baby. At the end of the lesson she said, ï want This¨.

Afterwords we taught a family that wants to get baptized and married,
but that are struggling financially. We promised blessing but with this
and so many other situations, I HAVE NO IDEA how they feel. I've never
been in their shoes and maybe never will be, so how can I promise that
it will all be okay?

But I know that Jesus Christ knows EXACTLY what we are experiencing,
and that our Joy is in HIM. The power of his Atonement is real, and
changes our lives as Children of God.

Dalma is a girl we recently baptized and she told me the other day
that she imagines that Jesus sits right next to her during the
sacrament! How cool is that, that although we've never told her that,
but at a young age they feel and understand the importance of
remembering our savior! That was a good day

Were also teaching a guy named WiFi and hes drunk most of the time,
but he came to church on Sunday and that was the best thing ever haha.
He loves to make comments and sing, and were gonna work hard to help
him change his life. We helped him mount his horse before church and
let me just say that was an experience in of itself.

God is our Father. Jesus Christ is our savior. The Holy Ghost
testifies of them both. I know that my redeemer lives.

DYC 101:36 36 Wherefore, fear not even unto death; for in this world
your joy is not full, but in me your joy is full.

Elder Espinola left to Salta this morning, and it was great transfer
we had and me and mi hijito are gonna work hard this transfer!

Love you all!

1.Chau Elder Espinola
3.random pic


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