Jesus is the Christ

Hola mis amigos!

This was my first week with Elder Rios and we found so many new people to teach. 

Today we played soccer with some people were teaching, and one of them plays professionally here in Argentina and it was so fun to play with him. Hes crazy good

We didn't get robbed but the other two companionship's in our district did so that sucks

Its becoming more natural to share with others that the Church of Jesus Christ has been restored, that families can be forever, and that a prophet is on the earth today to guide us in an ever changing world. I've learned a lot already from Elder Rios, especially how to talk to everyone we come in contact with. LITERALLY everyone! People have been prepared to accept the restored gospel and the only way well find them is if we open our mouths. 

I'm teaching my comp English and hes helping me a ton with my Spanish. 

This week was amazing because we are really seeing how people are progressing in the gospel and how it is blessing their lives. Roque received the priesthood and now hes passing the sacrament, and I can remember the moment we saw him in the street and felt like we should talk to him. To think of the change he and his family have had is why we work so hard to share this message with everyone we can. 
And Francisco and Nelson will get the priesthood next week and will be a light and blessing to their families to invite the spirit in their home

1 Nephi 17 ¨If God had commanded me to do all things, I could do them¨

This week we had the Christmas Devotional and it was so great! I love this time of year because it brings people together despite their differences in beliefs. Jesus is the Christ. The Son of God. The Light and Life of the World. He lived and died for all, whether they believe in his name or not, and he lives and guides his church today. 

That's about it. Hopefully maxi will get baptized this Saturday

Love you all and FELIZ NAVIDAD

1. Devocional!!
2. ELDEr Rios y YO



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