Whats up guys just thought id let you all know that its HOT here. 

I left a bag of dried apples open for 5 min and then they were mushy. And just walking from one room of the pension to the other you sweat a ton! But I am loving the work here in Tucuman, and sometimes were blessed with a thunder storm to cool us off!

Mon- For new years there were more fireworks than on Christmas! We had a dinner with some other missionaries and then I set some goals for my new year in Argentina!

Tues- The heat was unbearable and we were wet for 24 hours just from sweat. Also while studying we felt the whole pension shake and we thought it was from a bus that passed, but we learned later that there was an earthquake! it wasn't a big one but it makes a lot more sense than a bus passing by the pension.

wed- Maria called us with a ton of questions, and when she has questions they are questions I've never even thought about. But we were able to answer each one and helped her feel more ready for her baptism

Thurs- We passes by a house that we haven't been to in months, and when we arrived the dad told us he knew that wed come that day. He had felt like the spirit of God would we brought to his house and thats when we knocked (or clapped) outside his house. We also played ping pong with some members and their nonmember friends.

Fri- We did divisions with Independencia so I was with Elder Burnigham again. We had a good time and I learned a lot from him! we taught maria and she had so many questions about the godhead. It was a cool experience to answer her questions because we were guided by the spirit and felt like we said the words she needed to hear. I also stepped on the haircut clippers of Elder Rios so there's 5 holes in my foot now haha.

sat- Maria said she still cant commit to live the word of wisdom. She knows the church is true, and has a testimony of the book of Mormon, and she prayed for help that she can get baptized in the future. Only a matter of time!

Sunday- Brayan is a kid were teaching and hes going to get baptized in a few weeks. He told me that hes going to be a missionary and go and teach my kids the gospel haha. We also blessed the house of a catholic woman who has neighbors that are doing black magic or something. 
We taught the family Castro ( a Family I know we were led to) and had a great lesson with them. We all felt the spirit and they truly have desires to gain a testimony for themselves. Walking home we got caught in a thunderstorm ( pics below) and there were cars and motorcycles getting stuck and then 20 minutes later it stopped. 

My mission has been amazing so far and I've had some awesome experiences, but its been far from easy. I'm learning and putting into practice things that will bless me for the rest of my life. I'm confident in my ability to communicate with people and help them find answers to their questions. I'm seeing the fruits of studying so I think Ill keep doing that haha. But I also know this is the Lords work and that we cant do anything based on our talents or abilities. Without the spirit we cant teach, and we are literally instruments in his hands. 

More than anything i've learned how to rely on my savior and I've come to know my father in heaven. My relationship with them has grown, and I'm learning who I am as a son of God. My strengths, my weaknesses, and how I can align my will with the will of God. 

The home that is based on the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a a home of safety. A home where the spirit of the Lord can reside and this is something everyone needs in an ever-changing world. 

I love you all and hope this week is great! - Elder Blackburn

1.New years eve
2.we were soaked after the rainstorm!
4.storm clouds


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