Chau Villa Alem! New area in Embarcacion! Jan 21, 2019

Hola my friends! 

Today I rode a bus for 9 hours to get to my new area, but I love it! its in Salta and its pretty small and is right next to a big river. My new companion is Elder Espinola from Buenos Aires and I'm excited for this transfer! 

It was tough saying bye to Villa Alem and the people there, and my comp Elder Rios, but I was there for 6 months and its time haha. Elder Rios taught me a lot and is one of my best friends here in the mission. Gonna miss him

Elder Rios and I did a lot of service this week  and I fell off a ladder and afterwords the families gave us mangos! i thought I knew how to eat mangos growing up in Hawaii but Rios showed me a new way and my life has forever been changed. 

This week the Elders in Independencia moved in to our pension while they are fixing up their pension and that was interesting because our pension isn't that big, especially for 4 people. But its been fun living with them

THE MOST ARGENTINE THING happened when we were teaching a family. They were all drinking mate as usual and then three of the guys started to sing and play guitar. Think of the most Argentine song and that's what it was. Super cool, and I love the culture here. 

I am so grateful for this time as a missionary. I know that this church is led by Christ, through his prophet and that the restored gospel brings so much peace and happiness. Come unto Christ, and you will find peace. Its as simple as that
Have a good week! - Elder Blackburn

1. flia lemos kids
2. lucas y miguel
3.flia salvatierra y vallejo
4.tocando el piano con brent
5.our room wiht 4 people
6.triplets flia conde
7.elder polo
8.elder rios!! drive


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