Already Two Weeks!
Que Pasa Calabazas! I cant believe its been two weeks here. Ever since the first day time has flown by! The language was coming so quickly and I learned so much in the first week, I just need to make sure that I keep learning and dont get stagnant. Also things have gotten into a rythm here so its jsut been a blur! On thursday, it was our last lesson with daniela and it went really well. I feel like we followed the spirit and were able to answer her questions about baptism! Friday We prepared for our next people we are teaching, Ignasio and Salma! we also did a service project during gym time and that was awsome! Saturday, We had our first lesson with ignasio and we learned alot! we kinda overwhelmed him with info when we should have realized that he had a limited knowledge of God. It was still great though and we testified of what we knew to be true. Sunday was great and we learned a lot about aligning our will with the will of God. Also Our district leader wa...
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