The Power of Prayer March 18, 2019

First off id like to say that i have felt your prayers. From my
family, friends and the people that just pray for the missionaries.

Know that your prayers are being answered and that i pray for you all daily!

"He who notes the fall of a sparrow, surely hears the pleadings of our hearts"

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIVI! just so y'all know my sister turned 17 this week!

This week was just like any other week in the mission: Crazy
Monday we were out contacting and we ended up talking to a Jehovah
Witness. All people and all religions are amazing, and I respect them
all, but this lesson was nuts. They study the bible word for word, and
this person wasn't that open to our message. I learned a lot about the
power of testimony. And the love we can have for people who reject us.
When there is CONTENTION there is NO SPIRIT. It doesn't matter if we
agree with them or not, but CHARITY is such a necessity and the only
way that the Gospel of Jesus Christ can be Shared

Tuesday we challenged some kids to a soccer game and said that wed buy
them cookies if they won, and if we won that we got to teach them.
THEY WON, but we ended up teaching them anyways with cookies so it was
a win win.

Wed we contacted a house with a ton of plants, but the lady that lives
there came out and said, " all religions are a lie!" and then went to
work on her plants. We kinda stood there and didn't know what to so say
so I asked " so you like Plants? IT was kinda dumb question, but her
heart softened and ended up showing us EVERY plant that she has, and
then we taught her about the Plan of Salvation. Pretty cool

We also talked to a man who has a lot against members of the Church
and has had problems with them in the past. We had a good talk about
how the members of the church, how people will never be perfect, but
that the Doctrine of Jesus Christ is perfect. We testified of the
reality of his priesthood power. Nobody is perfect, but He is. And he
invites all to come unto him.

Sunday we had to teach the class for the whole branch, and that was
great! And next week were giving talks wooo!

Gabriel and Juana came to Church and I could see the smile on Gods
face as two of his children showed their faith in Him. These are the
moments we live for as missionaries, to see the fruits of repentance
from those that we teach!

"The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of transformation. It takes us
as men and women of the earth and refines us into men and women for
the eternities."

I know that his Gospel in its fullness has been restored, and that as
we turn to our father in heaven he will guide us. Have a good week!
Elder Blackburn

1.a shirt a member gave me
2.The Book of Mormon in Guarani
3.3 generations!!
6.caballos en la calle
7.father and son


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