TOUCANS! March 11, 2019

Hola a todos!
This week was crazy and a lot of fun. We saw a ton a toucans

Tuesday we went to Salta to get our new companions fresh from the
MTC,and that was a lot of fun! We all stayed in a hostel and it was
great because I'm training with a lot of the people that were in my
same group when I got here! We all cant believe how much time we've
been here, and the fact that we need to teach someone else how to be a
It  was weird to be back with everyone, but to be in the shoes of the trainers.
MY SON is from Mexico! and his name is Elder Gonzales! Muy capo and
we've had a lot of fun this week!
His testimony is strong and he loves testifying of Jesus Christ. I
know I will learn a lot from him and hope I can help him have a good
start to his mission.
EMILCE is so amazing and has been prepared for the Gospel in her life.
We had our second lesson with her Thursday and we invited her to pray
to know if what we taught was true, and she said, I ALREADY DO!

I was smiling so much I didn't know what to say! Shes going to get
baptized the 23rd and know shes just growing in the Gospel. She has
felt the saviors love, and after someone has felt that peace, there's
no room for doubts.

Friday we gave a book of Mormon in Guarani to Parawallo, and he was
pretty grateful. Hes a good man that wants to change and is coming to
know Christ.
We were talking to someone on Sat that was a little drunk, and we had
a good talk and he kept saying how the scriptures were his weapon. But
then he pulled a knife out and said that Satan was telling him to stab
us. In the moment I thought he was going to do it, but he didn't and he
cooled down. Crazy times

SUNDAY it felt good to be a missionary. We had district conference in
Oran, and all the members from our small town went in a small van.
EMilce went too, and it was such an amazing feeling. To see the fruits
of our efforts, and to see that although the Church here is small,
that the members live and love the Gospel. And here's a scripture that
I love...
1 Nephi 14. 12 And it came to pass that I beheld the church of the
Lamb of God, and its numbers were a few, because of the wickedness and
abominations of the whore who sat upon many waters; nevertheless, I
beheld that the church of the Lamb, who were the saints of God, were
also upon ball the face of the earth; and their dominions upon the
face of the earth were small,
14 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of
God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and
upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the
face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with
the power of God in great glory.
The Church of Jesus Christ has been restored in these latter days. Im
so grateful to be able to share the reality of that message with my
brothas here in Argentina. Love you all and have a good week!
1.mi hijito!
2.bus ride to conference!
3.Elder Lewis
4.bus ride to salta
5.trio with pichanal
6.waiting for our sons


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