Humility & Blessings Feb 18, 2019

Hola a Todos!
This week we had a TON of rain so that was awesome, but the streets were also pretty muddy and basically rivers all week. We are working hard with La familia Romero, who live next door to the three kids who got baptized last week. And this week we baptized their daughter dalma and are planning to have the rest in the weeks to come!

Finally finished the apartment, and its starting to feel more like we live there (it was a mess before!) 

While walking to an appointment we walked in the middle of a turf war with slingshots and stuff, and had to chill at the end of a road till it passed by. That part of town is nuts, but thats also where half the people we are teaching live! ALso we were teaching the kids that just got baptized and Silvio pulled two dead birds out of his pockets, and said that he had killed them that morning. 

We had interviews with President and hes so awesome! he makes such an effort to know each missionary and help them with their needs. MUY CAPO

Not much else has happened this week, just looking forward to the visit of Apostle Elder Runlund! We are working hard and trying to do the will of the Lord 

I learned a lot about HUMILITY this week. When we humble ourselves before the Lord is when we allow ourselves to recieve guidence from heaven. God is our father and his plan and his will for us is ALWAYS better. At times we wont understand but if Ive learned anything in the mission it is that our salvation and eternal happiness is as important to him as its important us! As we turn our hearts to God he will help us have a fulness of JOY.

Love you all and hope this week is great! - Elder Blackburn

1.rainy day
2. el rio
3.picking guavas
5.foto taken by jonah
6.the streets

 (This post is out of order...didn't realize I hadn't posted it and it was still in draft phase waiting for pictures...was hoping the blog would keep it in the order it was started) 


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