I Lost My Voice- April 29, 2019

Today was  good day! we got together as a zone and played soccer so
that was awesome! its been awhile haha. this week was pretty good, and
we saw a lot of small miracles the Lord placed in our lives.

Monday I got to talk to my momma for her birthday and that was wonderful
I've realized how blessed I have been to have been raised in a Gospel
centered Home.

Tuesday i lost my voice. That was not so great. We also did splits
with the Zone Leaders so Elder Burningham basically had to teach
everything to the people in my area haha, but hes a stud and always
has the spirit with him.

In one of our lessons when we got there they were building a WALL AND
A DOOR because someone had BROKEN in. We dropped our things and
offered to help! I've never built a door before, but the little
projects around the house with my dad came in handy that day! and we
literally started to build with just a hammer and nail! pretty cool
experience and opportunity to serve the people we are teaching!

Thursday was Zone Conference! That was awesome and I loved seeing
everybody. We learned a lot about being obedient because we LOVE THE
LORD. " If you love me keep my commandments"

I hit 10 MONTHS on Friday and i cant believe it! im trying to stop
keeping track because its going by way too fast. My Testimony has
grown to be sure and unmovable.

Saturday we had Lucianas baptism! shes 9! and has a pure heart full of
love for her savior. It was a great day for her and her grandma, who
has brought her to church every Sunday!

This week we truly saw that small and simple means the Lord hastens
his work and brings to pass miracles. As we read the scriptures, pray
to our Father in heaven, and go to church, we become more like the
savior, and gain a testimony for ourselves of his Gospel.

I also made empanadas for the first time and I'm not very good at them,
but will get better! love you all!

1.our wall we built
2.like father like son
Wifi is slow and Ill send more pics next week!


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