Tender Mercies May 13,2019
i just love my momma so much and i hope she knows that I love her!
She has taught me so many things, from learning to love Change,
teaching me how to live a happy life, and giving me so many
oppurtunities to see the World.
But more than anything she has taught me how to love the God, seek his
will and turn to Christ in everything. In alma its says
Now they never had fought, yet they did not fear death; and they did
think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their
lives; yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did
not doubt, God would deliver them.
And they rehearsed unto me the words of their mothers, saying: We do
not doubt our mothers knew it.
This week I finished the SAINTS book, which is basically the history
of the Church of Jesus Christ in these Latter days! Everyone should
read it. Our God is perfect but his children are not and it has always
been that way. But as we apply the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our lives
we become more like him, and learn how our weaknesses truly can become
We had a family home evening as a Branch and that was super fun! I
shared some good ole Blackburn Family traditions and at the end we
recieved 29 refrences from the members!
Jose recieved the priesthood on sunday and Im seriously so happy for
him! I put a picture below of after his baptism!
This week was TOUGH. We worked hard and talked to a lot of people but
got rejected a lot, and it was pretty discouraging. This town is small
and sometimes it feels like nobody wants to talk. And I'm normally
pretty optimistic, especially when the rejections come, but for some
reason this week was tough.
BUT that didn't mean less opportunities to share the Gospel! The less I
focused on our success in numbers, the more I realized how much the
Lord had blessed us. Looking back, we actually found some amazing
Enzo is a 14 yr old kid who has been looking for answers, and you can
bet that he loved hearing about Joseph Smith and his experience with
looking for answers!
Nelson owns a fruit shop and we shared our testimonies of the
truthfulness of the Book of Mormon with him.
Facundo is 18yrs old and works in his familys store, and had heard
about the Book of Mormon but had never read it, and was happy to
finally have the chance.
Dora is an awesome mom who doesn't like religion but wants her son to
have direction in his life . She invited us back anytime EXCEPT when
River is playing (a soccer team from Argentina) She said those games
are sacred.
Brendas dad is a preacher at a local church and they live next door to
it! She was pretty interested in hearing about the Restored Church of
Jesus Christ!
SO Looking back we were blessed immensely and the less we focused on
the WORK of missionary work and more on the JOY of sharing the Gospel,
we could recognize the tender mercies of the Lord.
In the first chapter of the Book of Mormon it says,
But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of
the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their
faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance.
LOOK for the TENDER MERCIES in your life. I promise you they are
there. As we recognize those blessings from our Father in Heaven, we
will be more happy, and realize how involved he truly is in our lives!
1.its starting to get cold
2. soooccccer!
3.what a happy guy!
i just love my momma so much and i hope she knows that I love her!
She has taught me so many things, from learning to love Change,
teaching me how to live a happy life, and giving me so many
oppurtunities to see the World.
But more than anything she has taught me how to love the God, seek his
will and turn to Christ in everything. In alma its says
Now they never had fought, yet they did not fear death; and they did
think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their
lives; yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did
not doubt, God would deliver them.
And they rehearsed unto me the words of their mothers, saying: We do
not doubt our mothers knew it.
This week I finished the SAINTS book, which is basically the history
of the Church of Jesus Christ in these Latter days! Everyone should
read it. Our God is perfect but his children are not and it has always
been that way. But as we apply the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our lives
we become more like him, and learn how our weaknesses truly can become
We had a family home evening as a Branch and that was super fun! I
shared some good ole Blackburn Family traditions and at the end we
recieved 29 refrences from the members!
Jose recieved the priesthood on sunday and Im seriously so happy for
him! I put a picture below of after his baptism!
This week was TOUGH. We worked hard and talked to a lot of people but
got rejected a lot, and it was pretty discouraging. This town is small
and sometimes it feels like nobody wants to talk. And I'm normally
pretty optimistic, especially when the rejections come, but for some
reason this week was tough.
BUT that didn't mean less opportunities to share the Gospel! The less I
focused on our success in numbers, the more I realized how much the
Lord had blessed us. Looking back, we actually found some amazing
Enzo is a 14 yr old kid who has been looking for answers, and you can
bet that he loved hearing about Joseph Smith and his experience with
looking for answers!
Nelson owns a fruit shop and we shared our testimonies of the
truthfulness of the Book of Mormon with him.
Facundo is 18yrs old and works in his familys store, and had heard
about the Book of Mormon but had never read it, and was happy to
finally have the chance.
Dora is an awesome mom who doesn't like religion but wants her son to
have direction in his life . She invited us back anytime EXCEPT when
River is playing (a soccer team from Argentina) She said those games
are sacred.
Brendas dad is a preacher at a local church and they live next door to
it! She was pretty interested in hearing about the Restored Church of
Jesus Christ!
SO Looking back we were blessed immensely and the less we focused on
the WORK of missionary work and more on the JOY of sharing the Gospel,
we could recognize the tender mercies of the Lord.
In the first chapter of the Book of Mormon it says,
But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of
the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their
faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance.
LOOK for the TENDER MERCIES in your life. I promise you they are
there. As we recognize those blessings from our Father in Heaven, we
will be more happy, and realize how involved he truly is in our lives!
1.its starting to get cold
2. soooccccer!
3.what a happy guy!
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