Dengue Fever May 20,2019

FEVER. This week i got pretty sick with a high fever. It started to
take its toll in Lunch in a members house, and everyone started to say
it was Dengue and that i should go to the Doctor! Seeing as there is a
dengue EPIDEMIC here in northern Argentina I figured they could be
right and we went to the doctor to check my blood. Were still waiting
for the results, but i feel all good now so don't worry, I don't have

I was in bed for most of the day Wednesday but I asked Elder Gonzalez
for a blessing and I'm feeling a lot better!  Wednesday was his
birthday, so naturally I made him some banana bread (the only thing I
kinda know how to make haha)

GOD IS GOOD. We are teaching this amazing family right now and I just
love them. They live in this abandoned warehouse that doesn't have
electricity and they are the happiest people I know! They know they
don't have much but they realize that its not the things in life that
are important.  they have their family, which is EVERYTHING. I
probably wont be here for their baptism since I leave in a week but I'm
so grateful for this time I have to know them and teach them about
Jesus Christ. There plan is to one day go to the Temple!

This week I went on Splits with Elder Hamblin and that was a lot of
fun! Hes a stud and we worked hard in his area and taught a lot of

 I love being out here and I love changing and becoming the person
that God wants me to be. LIFE is about CHANGE, and we change daily!
Every good decision we make brings us closer to our Savior.

One more week to grind here in Embarcacion! Love you all!

1.La Zona
2.splits con Elder Hamblin
3.random pic from when my comp got to the mission front of our house


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