La Vide es Bella June 3,2019

I love famailla! This was such a good week and I saw the hand of the
Lord in so many ways! My companion Elder Jones is a stud and we get
along really well. Hes also my first Gringo companion since my
training so I have spoken more english in a week than have in 8
months!  idk if thats good or bad haha but im loving the mission. Its
also getting pretty cold!!

This is my first biking area and so far have broken my bike
twice...ill get the hang of it.

I got to this area and there were so many people that have been
prepared by missionaries from before, and now we are seeing the fruits
of their efforts! This truly is the work of God, and I love seeing the
greatness of God in the small and simple things.

This sunday was a little miracle because we got there and nobody was
there! we waited another 10 minutes and still nobody was there exept
for us and President. We had fasted and prayed and put in a ton a work
that week, and then out of nowhere everybody showed up at once! 5 of
the people we are teaching ended up coming too, and we are helping
them prepare for their baptisms!

I love the process of gaining a testimony, and I love seeing the faith
of the people we teach grow! its amazing. Its something personal, and
im so grateful for this time I have to see the growth of Gods children
as they come unto their savior Jesus Christ. His gospel gives everyone
hope, and the oppurtunity to become better!

Oh today we also went to Tafi del Valle so heres some pics

FOTOS and my comp
5.mas llamas
6.Elder Jones and I


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