We Contacted a Bus! June 24, 2019

On monday i got a package from my family, and I love my family so
flippin much! They sent me SPAM, and for those of you who dont know
what that is, its only the MOST IMPORTANT INGREDIANT in a SPAM MUSUBI.
They sent some seeweed too so you know were gonna be making some
musubis this week haha (pic below)

This week we also had to move apartments which was kinda fun, and now
we have a balcony overlooking our sweet town of Famailla!

This week I went to do a baptism interview for the Hermanas in
Monteros, and on the way back Elder Booze looked at me and said, "you
wanna contact this bus?" and I was like heck ya lets send it. Im not
gonna lie I was a little nervous but we just stood up in front of
everybody and introduced ourselves as Missionaries of the Church of
Jesus Christ and that we share a message of happiness and we handed
out pamphlets to almost everybody. It was a great oppurtunity to get
our message out there and let them know what were all about.

Lately I have learned SO MUCH about Gods patience and Love for us. Its
something Im learning to have myself with the people we teach, and Ive
never come to know my father in heaven as much as I am right now in
the mission. We see his hand on a DAILY basis and Im truly finding the
Joy in my work and not just the results.

con amor, Elder Blackburn

1. Spam baby
2. new pension
3. balcony
4.making tacos as a district


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