Free Wine


Good things are happening here in Palermo.

We did splits with Ciudad de Milagro and the assistents so it was a
kinda busy week!

Elder Bustos and I have been praying to find a family that God has
prepared to hear the Gospel, and we have been having some great
experiences following the spirit! On Thursday we walked by this house
and saw two kids playing at the gate. As we passed them I had the
thought, ¨There lives the family you're looking for¨, and that we needed
to talk to them. But I didn't say anything because we were pressed for
time and I knew we could pass by later.

Well it just so happened that my companion had felt the same way and
was also thinking we could visit them later, till he had the thought,
¨No NOW!¨so he asked me if I had wanted to talk to them and we
realized we both had felt like we needed to talk to them right then.

We talked to the mom and she seemed interested and we set up an
appointment for next week! Who knows if they really are the family,
but we were able to follow the spirit that day.

Sunday afternoon I was with Elder Booze and we had some good lessons!
One house we  contacted had shouted something that sounded like COME
IN!but we weren't sure and they never came out to greet us. It was
super wack but finally we decided to send it and just walked in. We
entered the house and a huge fat man tells us to sit down and drink
some wine with him. We politely refused hahah and it turns out they
had talked to missionaries like 3 years ago. They seemed happy that
the Elders had passed by again and we invited them to church.

Katharine and Gonzalo were able to get everything set for there
wedding, and are planning for her baptism too so we are super excited
for them!

Well thats about it! Next week we have transfers but we think were
going to stay together for another 6 weeks but well see. Have a good

FOTOS: with the boys
4.matias with the elderes from solis pizarro


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