Hello Everyone Oct 28, 2019

This was a good week! On Saturday we did a Capilla Abierta )kinda like
an open house for the church), and it went really well! we invited the
hermanas from la loma and the elders from solis Pizarro to help us,
and the ward members did a ton to help as well. We had banners and
signs and everyone was invited to come and see inside the church and
have the members of the church explain what goes on.

It went so well, and we met some great people who have been looking
for a church, and I think the members loved it too.

This week we did divisiones with rosario de lerma, and I was with my
man Elder Benites. He's a great missionary and I always learn a lot
from him.

This week while contacting it was super hot and I was honestly over
it, but I learned a lesson about the need to be diligent when the last
house we talked to was an amazing person who wanted to hear our
message. It was very humbling, and I learned that we are in constant
need of seeking God's will and following it.

Last week a lady stopped us in the street and asked us to come and
teach her son. We were not expecting that, but we were happy to set up
an appointment and we passed by yesterday. This family is amazing! God
has prepared them for his restored Gospel,
and after teaching them we invited them to be baptized and they said
yes. Their little girl told me, Ï feel good when you guys come to
teach me¨. I know that we are just the messengers in this work. God
knows, and prepares his children, and will guide us to those who are

I hit 16 months this week, and it feels like I got here yesterday.
1. Capilla Abierta!
2.16 meses!


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