PFJ Jan 25, 2020

wow this week was great.
Sunday was Presidents birthday so we got him a boca jersey and signed
it. Then on monday I saw that a man that I had taught in Embarcacion 8
months ago was baptized. Seeing that made me really think about the
work we are doing, and the impact it has on the lives of God's

His name is Facundo. We became good friends during my time in
Embarcacion, but it was frustrating because everytime we brought up
the Church he wasn't too interested. He's been around the missionaries
for years, and his wife is a member, but he's always had something
holding him back from baptism and I wanted to help him. When it came
time for me to leave it was tough because I saw his potential and it
made me sad to see him harden his heart, because many times he talked
against the church, but I really grew to love him and his family.

The months passed and when I asked the missionaries what happened that
all of a sudden he decided to be baptized, they told me that he had
started to read the Book of Mormon, and that he was praying about it.
It's that simple. When I was teaching him I realize now that I wanted
to convince him. To prove to him that our message was true.

This week was very humbling because I came to terms with the fact that
this is God's work, not mine. Facundo received his testimony from his
father in heaven, and to have seen that makes me beyond happy and

WE ALSO went to the PFJ, (EFY) in Tucuman. President and his wife gave
a class there, and had invited us to give a presentation with them. IT
was such a blessing because I love the youth and I saw so many of them
from my previous areas! It had been over a year since seeing them, and
I was so grateful to have been able to talk with them and get them
excited for a mission.

On Friday we help Perico with a Book of Mormon stand in the plaza. It
was such a fun time and Elder Garcia and I talked to so many great
people. So many great families. The next day we went to a place called
Purmamarca in Jujuy for the day, and there's some cool pics below.

Love you all!
1. at the pfj our presentation
3.with Pres and Hermana Orquera to jujuy llama friend
7.presidentes birthday
8.the village
9.Book of Mormon stand
10. el pueblo


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