Roadtrip Jan 11,2020

Hello friends and family,
This week was great, and we had two zone conferences so we were
traveling basically the whole time. We started in Santiago and then
went to Tucuman. It was a great experience, and im grateful to have
been able to see so many people, and for the friendships I've made.

I started my mission in Tucuman, and this was the first time I was
able to go back to visit my first area. We were just passing by, and I
wasn't able to see a ton of people, but of the few that I did get to
see, I realized what a blessing it is to have got to know them and see
them again here in the mission. There's pics below, and some of the
people I visited I had taught before and one even ended up getting
baptized after I had left. Diego (the one on the left) was someone
that played soccer with us, and after some time he was baptized and I
realized what a blessing the mission is to be able others closer to
Christ, and also meanwhile make friendships

I also saw Elder Gonzalez for the first time since I trained him! he's
all grown up haha, and it was awesome to be able to see him. It was
wild driving through Argentina, but it's always a good time to think
and have good talks with my comp. Life is good. Next week we go to
Jujuy and then back to Salta for two more Zone conferences.

I've been so grateful lately for so many things, most of them small,
and honestly that's the key to happiness. Our Father in heaven blesses
us immensely; he's given us
1. Our life
2. Our Agency
3. And a Savior
What a blessing!

1. friends from tucuman
2. a detour
3.peace son! man elder burningham
7.pday adventures
8.a cross we hiked to
9.2 second handstand


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