12 Hours of Travel Feb 15, 2020

This week I think we traveled over 12 hours, but it was such a
blessing to be able to be with so many missionaries and be able to
have some cool experiences.  We had conferences in Tucuman and
Santiago, and the rest of the time we were with the Zone Leaders.
Living on the road isn't something new for me, and it was actually
such a fun time.

In Santiago I was with Elder Sperry. We had a great morning, and I was
amazed by how nice everybody was! It was super hot outside

In Concepcion I went with Elder Avery and we had a great afternoon
teaching. In one guys house we had read something together in the
scriptures, and were about to leave when I felt like we needed to
invite him to follow Christ and be baptized. In the zone conferences
we are focusing on being more direct and teaching by the spirit, so it
was a good opportunity to put it into practice. He had expressed his
love for the Savior and so when we invited him to be baptized he

After the Zone Conference in Tucuman we did splits with Tucuman Sur. I
was with Elder Greer and man that guy is a beast. We didn't have plans
and we were like "well see where God leads us" and literally every
contact we made let us into their home! We met some amazing people
with great faith, and we were able to teach them about the restored
Gospel. Lately I've been feeling the best about my calling and ability
to teach and testify of Christ. It's definitely not anything I'm
doing, but I realize how God truly calls us to be instruments in his

Friday morning we were with the Elders from Tucuman Centro. With
Elder Hamblin some of their plans fell through so we started to
contact everyone we could and we ended up finding some of the greatest
people!  I'm amazed at how God prepares the way to accomplish what he
wants us to do.

Last Sunday a family from an old Area came to sacrament meeting and it
was crazy to see them again! Im grateful for all the good people Ive
met and for the experiences I've had.

1.the family that showed up by surprise
2.Splits with the Elders from Santiago
3.a HUGE flag
4.The elders in Tucuman Centro
5. Some green hills


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