Buenos Dias!

                                          My District
                                          Friends from Hawaii

Buenos dias everyone!
This past week at the CCM has been one I will never forget! The spirit has been so strong and the language is actually coming really fast. Im not fluent but I say prayers and teach lessons all in spanish! Well to begin, my journey to get here was very eventful.

Early tuesday morning I said goodbyes to mi familia and it was sad but I was looking forward to the adventure ahead. I made my flight to LA just fine, and then boarded my flight to Mexico city once I was in LAX. The plane didnt leave the gate for a while and then after about an hour I saw them taking our luggage out of the plane! And then a moments later they said that the flight was cancelled. Probably for maintenence or something. So we all get off and they tell us to call this number or go to customer service. 

Now I dont have a phone so I couldnt call the number so I go wait in the Customer service line. The line that EVERY single person on the plane is in. I end up waiting in the line for four hours! I call the Chruch Travel services with a strangers phone who I befriended but they said I need to have a new flight plan before they can do anything. And all they can really do is tell the MTC that Im arriving later.

Long story short I was one of the last people to talk to them and they put me on a flight to New York. They say that theyll try to put my bags on that flight but theres a good chance that They will be put on the next flight to mexico. I fly to JFK and then arrive at 12 am and then fly to Mexico city at 1 am. When I arrive at the airport Im pretty tired but hopeful that my bags came. they didnt, and I then had to file a lost bag report with an airline that didnt even ship my bags. I also had to call the MTC because no one  was there to pick me up.

Im glad i watched the other side of Heaven before I came, because Its about a missionary who served in Tonga and no one was there to pick him up. Also He had to work for months on fishing boats jsut to get to his mission so it made my expericence feel a lot better haha.

I arrive at the Mtc still in the clothes from 24 hours ago, and go the whole day in those clothes because I only have one change of clothes in my carry on, thanks mom.

But the MTC was such a blessing because they provided me with some shirts and extra garments and shoes for excercising. Basically everything that I needed to last my 6 weeks here. And for the next few days I went on hoping that my bags would come, but being so busy and it was good because I lost myself in the work. I knew that if I gave my all, even during trials that I would be blessed.

Before I left I was reminded that this too shall pass so that brought some comfort and also a scripture in Alma 17 11. It says to go among the lamanites and establish my word, and to be patient in my afflictions and long suffering, and then he will make an instument of me. this brought so mcuh comfort before I left on my mission and then It was an answer to my prayers once I got here and I felt so much peace even though I was so uncertain about my bags. I know that God answers our prayers, and a lot of the time its a lot sooner than we think.

My bags eventually came thursday and I was so happy haha. Now I felt like I could really get to work. 

WED> I was feeling kinda down and homesick and without bags but we read a scripture in Alma 26 27. It say how when our hearts were depressed and were about to turn back, the lord comforted us and said go ye among the lamanites and bear with patience your efflicitons and I will give unto you success. Both these scriptures in Alma gave me comfort and strengethened my testimony. 

THURS>I met Hermana walker and Elder Carr, both good freinds from hawaii so it was great to see them again. We taught our first lesson in spanish and the spirit was so strong it was great. I also see Elder Fetzer daily, a friend from Murray Utah and I get to play soccer with him. 

Friday> We keep teaching Daniela and the lessons are going great. I learned today not to use a script and to trust the lord that the words will come.

Sat> moe lessons and  a very spiritual Branch meeting.

Sunday> It was fast sunday and I bore my tesimony in spanish! the language is coming and the spirit is so strong.

Mon> Today I truly experienced the gift of tongues. We taught daniela about the gospel and direction it can give our lives bcause she was feeling lost and without purpose. We also taguth the restoration of the gospel. I cant really explain it with words becasue I dont really remember what we said but we asked her if she wanted to be baptized and she said Yes. The spirit was so strong. DC 84, 85 Theres another scripture about the gift of tongues but I forgot haha. 

yesterday She prayed about it and said she didnt feel an answer so the whole lesson we bore tesimony about prayer and how we need to remeber times that we have felt the spirit because she has flet the spirit before. We ended up setting a date and then telling her that we will help her and love her. Charity is so important in our lessons. If you dont have charity ye are nothing, IDK what scripture that is haha. 

im running out of time but we play volleyball and soccer a lot and The ccm reminds me of BYU Hawaii a lot. My companion is from OGden Utah and plays piano better than me haha. Ok I gotta go but

Yo se que dios es nuestro padre celestial y yo se que su evangelio es verdado. El libro de mormon is la palabras de dios 
 Theres more but i gotta go but I love you all and I love my savior.


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