Dos Mas Semanas!

This week has been really good and it kind of dawned on me that i leave for Argentina in two weeks! In the beginning I was starting to get complacent with how much I had learned and I started to notice it in our lessons. I learned that I need to always have a eye single to the glory of God and then as is promised in the scriptures, I will be able to "comprehend all things" like Spanish haha. 

Something that someone said in one of our discussions really stuck with me, and has helped when I don't feel like giving my all or if I get distracted. They said how we had an eternity to prepare, and will have an eternity to look back on it, but we only have these two years now to give our all, and how important the work we are doing is.

Our next fast from English was so awesome! I didn't feel like I was held back in anyway and felt like I could communicate comfortably! It was so cool and I learned a lot of what I wish I could've said and whatnot.

During class one time we were asked how the savior would teach us if he were to walk in the room at that time, and I felt so much love form him and its amazing because I know with this calling as a missionary, that we have an increased capacity to love others as the savior does. We can love others as much as we can, but with this increased capacity we can truly be representatives of Jesus Christ. 

Sunday was great because all the Elders fasted for an Hermana in our district. She has been having a hard time with Spanish and so Saturday night Elder Brown brought up the Idea.
We also watched a great talk by Elder Holland about making sure we are teaching the person and not a lesson. It all really comes down to if we are teaching how the Savior would. The world deserves master teachers of the most important message on the earth, and we can reach that potential if we rely on the savior daily. 

In a devotional with Presidente y Hermana Eves, we talked about remembering which way you face, and how our will is the only thing we can give to the lord, because he has already given us everything else. We need to care more about what God thinks of us than what man thinks of us

The days here seriously go by so fast, and I meeting more and more Latinos which is good because in 14 days I'm going to be in the field. Also fun fact, it Hailed here the other day, didn't think that was possible haha. There's so many lighting storms and its Awesome!

I love you all and cant wait to serve the people in Argentina. 
                                               Elder Perkins studying in our room

Elder Perkins walking to our dorm

Elder Perkins, Elder Cook, Elder Hartle, y me

Elder perkins, Elder Heugly, elder Tuipulotu y me

                                                        Volleyball court

                                                             Volleyball players


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