
hola everyone! gance bobo means silly goose I think
this week has flown by faster than the others and its been so amazing. Rather than explain each day Ill just give an example of a regular day because theyre all more or less the same.
Each day we wake up at 630 but me and elder perkins usually workout at 600. Then breakfast is at 715.
From 715 to 1215 we are either teaching a progressive investigator, studying, learning the language, improveing missionary teaching, or coaching.
Then we have lunch at 1215
daily planning is from 1 to 130 and then we have gym from 140 to 230
At three aclock we have another progressive investigator and basically evrything we did in the morning only with a different teacher. Our teachers are so awesome and Hermano ochoa is so funny. 
At 415 we have tall which is online language study
sometimes dinner is at 515 but most of the time its at 715.
sometimes we have trc which is teaching people who arent in the mtc whether they are members or not and then on tuesdays we have devotionals!
And really most of the time we are just studying the language or the Gospel!
We have to be in our rooms around 9 and then personal study until 1015
sundays are a little different but really just sacrament at 9 and then classes and personal study time and devotionals the rest of the day

I got a package from home and that made my day!

​Also we are getting two new districts in our zone so thats kinda crazy

The trip we took to the temple last week was so amazing! i loved seeing mexico city and actually leaving the CCM haha
The temple is so pretty and i loved the pictues inside and the architecture. It reminds me of ancient aztec stuff
The session was in spanish which was so cool and I tried to understand as much as I could without using the headsets they gave us to translate.

This week we have learned so much in our lessons! some have been amazing while others not so much, but they are still oppurtunites to learn. One of them they recorded and we didnt realize it and we got to watch ourselves teach after and that was super weird! Very helpful too though
One lesson I wasnt really sure what their question was but it was so cool because I gave them an answer that at the end I realized wasnt really related to what they had asked becasue I was way off haha but it was what they needed to hear. Ive learned so mcuh of the importance of not saying what we want to say in the lesson, but trying to follow the spirit and say what it would have us say!

i had the oppurtunity to give an Hermana in our district a blessing and it was such a blessing for me too. She was having a hard time about something and after class we felt like we should just let her know that we love her and that we are always here if she needed anything, especially a blessing. She did, and we never asked her what was wrong but somehow, defineltey through inspiration, we knew what she needed to hear. It was such a spiritual experience and was a testament to me of preisthood power and the ability for God to bless his children through us. I dont remember a lot of what I said, but the room was filled with the spirit and there was so much love from our father in heaven felt for this hermana. I hope to always be worthy being in instument in gods hand of blessing his children.

i also have learned a lot about pride and I love in alma 26 how it says I will not boast of myself but i will boast of my god. Humility is so important!

I got to see Elder Doyle today, a friend from back home and It was so great to see him! Im glad he made it and his flight didnt get cancelled


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