Perfect Brightness of Hope

Whats up, this week has been kinda crazy and went by super fast, but thats usually how it goes!

It started out by doing last minute cambios with Elder Ashton in our area because both our trainers had to go to Salta for training or something. Yes, we are both greenies and were in the MTC together but we were stoked for the challenge! We had two lessons that night and it was so cool because we may not have known a ton of spanish, but the spirit was so strong and we could feel it testifying of the truflness of what we were saying. The next morning we did a lot of contacting and it was kinda crazy having to know where to go but I feel like I knew the area alright and it was all a good oppurtunity for us to step up with both our trainers gone. During lunch one of the kids gave me a chelsea soccer jersey because I had said they were my favorite team! 

                                                              The two Greenies! 

That night we took a bus to salta because we had a meeting the next day, and we stayed in the same hostel as last time. It was cool to see everyone again from when we first got there, especially because our spanish had gotten better and we could actually talk to eveyone haha. The meeting was basically about how our first 6 weeks had gone and everyone is doing great!
Northern Argentina

When we arrived at the Hostel
                                                          Elder Perkins and I  (MTC Companion)
                                                               Family reunion (MTC District)

The next day back in Tucuman we went and did the paper work for one of our investigators, and they are going to get married thursday and then baptized this saturday if all goes well! We also went to the wedding of a recent convert and they are super awesome! they asked us to sing at their wedding and we sang Perfect by Ed Sheeran. Our ability to sing is questionable, but ya fue, it was cool to share that moment with them!
                                                                 From the Wedding

                                                                     My boy Thomas with a nasty eye from Balota!

At church we had 5 of the people were teaching come so that was awesome! its been amazing so see people progress as they gain a testimony of this Gospel, and these next 6 weeks I think well see a lot of success!

Spiritual Experience:
We were teaching this girl named Luz outside her house and while we were teaching, the kids that were playing soccer in the street came and sat down around us and started to listen. We had prepared to teach about the plan of Salvation, but after all the kids had gathered around us, we kinda stopped and then I asked who Jesus Christ was to them. Some answered ¨God¨ but most of them didnt really know. As we continued to talk to them, it surprised me how little they knew about their Savior and what he had done for them. This was knowlege that I have grown up with and many times taken for granted, and I felt the spirit so strongly as we taught them about Jesus Christ. We testified of the Love he has for each one of them, and how he knows each one of them perfectly. We Testified that he lives. And then we taught them how to pray to their Father in Heaven and how he is always listening. It was a special moment for me that showed how important this work really is, and the importance of our calling as representatives of Jesus Christ. And I felt so much love for them and the love that Christ has for them. 

Also because it is the end of the transfer we said goodybe to some missionaries who left to different areas and we have some new ones that came in today, so thats been cool to meet new people and whatnot

Ok Chau!
                                                                         Chau distrito!


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