Week four in Argentina

¨He that is ordained of God and sent forth, the same is appointed to be the greatest, notwithstanding he is the least and the servant of all.
Wherefore I the lord as you this question, unto what were ye ordained?
To preach my gospel by the spirit, even the comforter which was sent forth to teach the truth...he that is weak among you hereafter shall be made strong.¨ DyC 50

Buenas mis amigos

Cant believe its already P day again. This week was especially fast because we went to Salta for 
some of my Visa paperwork and Salta is around 4 hours away so that took a couple of our days. It was great to see some people from the CCM and I loved seeing the country side of northern Argentina, its pretty gorgeous.

I love that scripture because especially with spanish, I feel pretty weak at times, but I know that the Lord has called me to this work and therefore will sustain me in it, Also because it talks about the spirits role when we teach and it is so important because we aren't the teachers, its the Holy Ghost that bears testimony of the truthfulness of our message of the Restored Gospel. 

We had a pretty amazing experience this week with one of our investigators. His name is Mauro, and hes the son of vik and vivvi the people who we had the really awesome lesson with last week, and for this lesson we brought the stake patriarch with us. We taught them the plan of Salvation and it went well and then invited them to church! The parents didn't feel ready but Mauro was way down and we have a date for his baptism set for the 15th. And then the next morning we went to pick him up for church because he wasn't answering his phone, but he was already at church! he beat us there, which almost never happens so that was so cool. And then he was participating in the classes and the members were helping him if he didn't understand a concept and it was fast and testimony meeting and I think he really liked it all. We also had two other investigators there and I bore my testimony which normally Ive felt pretty confident with my Spanish but it was a little intimidating haha but it was just so cool to have them all come to church, in addition to some less active members who we've been working with!

We helped a family were teaching make some bread too which was cool because they seem like an Italian family and their bread is so good!

Oh also it was Elder Baum's bday so that was cool and I got him his favorite treats and he burnt a tie on the roof which technically is tradition for 1 year in the mission or something but either way hes 20 now.

We also listened to a talk that talked about how everything in the world testifies of Jesus Christ and it went into some deeper stuff. It was True doctrine understood changes attitude and behavior by Todd Parker I think

This week I've also realized the importance of daily scripture study and I've been reading out loud in Spanish which has been helping me a ton with pronunciation,

The pleasing word of God, yea the word which healeth the wounded soul Jacob 2.8

This work is true and miracles happen  when we love the people and love the Lord. Till next week

Elder Baum's birthday lunch with Graciela (An investigator)
View from the drive to Salta

 A cool building from Centro

   A sunrise


 They have a thing called blood sausage here and its so gross. But the rest of the meat is amazing 
                                 This dog comes to church better than most members

Note from Mom: This is a picture he sent to just us of him in his apartment studying but I love it so much I had to share.


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