Soccer Competitions for Lessons

Hola Everyone,

Hope all is well! This week was so fast as usual, but we fit in so much!

We were walking down the street and saw some guys who we have tried talking to in the past who they said they weren't interested, and they were juggling a soccer ball. We walked up to them and I said that if I could juggle more than him then we get to share our message with them. They agreed, and I won! They didn't have much time but we ended up sharing a scripture and it was such a cool experience!

oh and elder Baum got bit by a dog, but it was super soft so hes all good.

Ruben had his baby and her name is Naiomi Valentina and shes so awesome! They have a date to get married next week and then a baptism date for the Saturday after conference! We read Alma 5 with him and he opened up about how he felt like he has felt a similar change in his heart and the spirit was so strong and we got to share our testimonies of the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ. 

We were also sharing a scripture with a member who at first I thought we would just stop by but we ended up talking with her and shared a scripture and she started crying and it was a testament to me that in every moment we can be examples of Jesus Christ if we strive to seek his will and then follow it.

In Mosiah 16´9 it says how Jesus is the light and the life of the world. Its a pretty simple verse but it is so true because Christ is literally the Light and Life of the world. This has brought me so much peace and comfort and the people that we have been teaching. No matter the darkness we have in our lives, Jesus Christ is above it all and has the power to alieve us of that.

We were also teaching this family that was drinking matte in the street and we ended up teaching them about the restoration. It was so amazing to share the experience of the first vision in Joseph Smiths own words, and the spirit was testifying of the truthfulness of our message, that the Church of Jesus Christ is once more on the Earth. 

Conference this weekend is going to be so great, and I cant wait to hear the words of the Living prophets of God. Something I've always admired of President Nelson is his humility before the Lord, and his desire to understand the will of God and then follow it. We need to continually humble ourselves before God, and seek his will before ours, and the promise is that then our weaknesses will become our strengths. 

Love you all, things are good here in Tucuman Argentina! all the members have told me I've gained weight so maybe Ill start eating less facturas, but probably not

Our district menos las hermanas

 Rainy Streets of Villa Alem

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