We Got Robbed and I Got Punched

Let me just start off by saying this was one of my favorite weeks in the mission field so far. Its been pretty chilly and rainy which has reminded me of Oregon

So what happened was we were walking in the street Sunday morning, on our way to church, and we saw these three guys smoking and talking. We said hi and they asked us what time it was. This happens a lot, and normally we just tell them and then keep walking but for some reason we stopped and they started saying stuff like ¨hey that's a nice watch, I wonder how much I could sell that for¨ and then they started unclipping and opening Elder Baum's bag.

 I realized what was happening and started to step in a bit, and then the guy motioned as if he had a gun and said he had a gun and a knife and other stuff. He didn't have anything, so then he punched me in the face. Afterwords, Idk where this guy went, but one of the others was pulling on one of the straps of Elder Baum's bags and they pulled at it for a bit. Finally the guy let go, and then we ran and so did they. They ended up breaking and taking Elder Baum´s watch, but he had another one so were all good! 

Any other day we'd let them take the bag without struggling too much, but today we had a member leaving so we had brought cameras to take pics with him.

But this week was seriously one of my favorite.

Mon- we played a lot of soccer 

Tues-we taught Francisco English, and its going really good! hopefully as we continue to teach them they open up to the gospel. Hes a 10 yr old boy who is really awesome

Wed- we contacted a ton! We found so many new people which has been so great. Also we ate Higalo for lunch, which is chicken liver. I looked over while we were eating and Elder Baum didn't touch it haha and I had cleared my plate. I've definitely had worse travelling, but it wasn't cooked well, and was pretty gross. We also had a cool experience giving a prayer in the middle of the street hoping we would know where to go and who to talk to. We've definitely seen the hand of the Lord and continue to do so

Thurs- saw a dog fight in the middle of the street. There's SO many dogs here, so they're bound to fight eventually. One of them who belonged to a less active member almost died which was a little scary

Friday- A lot of people cancelled on us

Saturday- We had two guys randomly talk to us and say they were interested and they gave us their number. In Preach My Gospel, it says, ¨The Lord is preparing people to receive you and the restored Gospel. He will lead you to them or he will lead them to you.¨ I feel like this was a manifestation of that. 

And then Sunday we got robbed and I got punched, but it was amazing because, (minus right after he punched me), I never felt angry at them, or wanted to get revenge or anything like that. I know that we can have Charity at all times for all people, and its something we should pray to have at all times. This isn't the love we might have or not have for them, but its the love that Jesus Christ has for them, and We can truly see others as children of our Father in Heaven, and have the desire to bring them unto their savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ.

Right after I got punched

The Team

Where we played soccer today

Rainy Tucuman

  A street in our Area



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