We Thank Thee Oh God for a Prophet

This week was so uplifting and it was a huge spiritual reset for me

Argentina is as hot as ever, but then we get these cold fronts and have to wear coats so Im a bit confused but Im loving it. I feel so blessed to be serving in this amazing country, especially because everyone loves soccer. There's a big rivalry between two local clubs Boca and River, and depending on who your team is determines your friends haha. Dogs chase us for no reason but its alright because I don't run in the mornings. Also everyone takes a nap between 2ish pm to 5ish, Literally everyone, so the streets seem like a ghost town during those times.

Mon-  After pday we had a lesson with Gabriela and she is seriously so amazing. She has 6 kids and three little girls who are so dope, and she lives alone and works so much. She said she didn't have a lot of time so we just read a scripture. The spirit was so strong and she opened up and how hard it was to work so much and some other things shes struggled with and we could feel her pain! We couldn't relate that much because we don't have families of our own, but the love we felt for her was so strong, and we testified that Heavenly father hears every one of her prayers, and knows her situation. We later brought a member who also has a ton of kids and she shared her testimony

Tues- taught multiple lesson about the plan of Salvation, which is one of my favorite lessons because it truly is a plan of happiness, of mercy, of redemption, of love. I love to share this with Gods children, and the hope that comes with this knowledge

wed- we walked a lot

Thurs- had zone conference which helped me view this work in a much more simple way. Our lessons that evening were so much more simple and the spirit was stronger. We met with Mauro who has been taught almost everything and has gone to church so many times, but he doesn't feel ready for the change. We told him that his desire to follow Christ was sufficient. 

Fri- Met with Juli and she said she loved hearing the good word of god. We taught her about the book of Mormon and how the holy ghost testifies of truth. We asked her to say the prayer, and she started balling halfway through and the it was such a cool experience. 

Saturday and Sunday were General Conference, and it was cool because we had some people were teaching who were able to make it. 

General conference is when we have the opportunity to hear the words of the living prophet of God, and the 12 apostles. It was so spiritually uplifting, and I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the kingdom of God in the earth today.

I have so much love for our Prophet, and he is a testament to me that God has, does, and will continue to guide his people through revelation. The heavens are open for those who humble themselves and seek to do his will. The church is moving forward, with an eye single to the second coming of the messiah, Jesus Christ. 

If the Lord be God, follow him¨- D Todd Christofferson

The District

 Breakfast of Champions  

Me w/Onur, an awesome dog
Elder Bustos and I


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