Bautismo!! God is aware of all his children

Hola amigos!
This week has been so great and things have been pretty crazy here especially with all that's happened in Buenos Aires with the soccer teams Boca and River. Some fans care a little too much and here soccer is everything but the final has been postponed 3 times now due to attacks to the players and other stuff. Crazy Stuff! you'd think they'd just want to watch the game haha

DyC 112:10 Be thou humble, and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand and give thee answer to thy prayers

This scripture has helped me a ton this week and is one of my new favorites. We just need to be humble enough and God will lead us by the hand and give us answer to our prayers. This is something I know, and have experienced, and this week my testimony of the power of prayer and the love that heavenly father has for his children was strengthened. 

I was feeling discouraged when I realized how many people have lived and are living in the world without the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their lives. I was so sad! To see so many of Gods Children suffering and dealing with things I've never had to deal with. 
What determines the situation your born into?
Why was I blessed to be born into the Gospel, to a loving family, food always on the table and endless opportunities for my future?
This is not the case here in Argentina and the rest of the world, and to think of how many will never hear the message of the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I was pretty discouraged. 

But I turned to prayer and the scriptures, and I was reading a part in 2 Nephi, I don't remember where but I remember feeling so much love. Not for myself but for the world. It was so different than anything else and I got a confirmation that God is aware of all his children. He knows all of them with such a perfect knowledge and loves them with such a perfect love. I also know without a doubt that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. No other book is so powerful

This week I did intercambios con Elder Burningham and that was so much fun! I learned a lot and we did a lot of good. He's got plans to go to ByuH after his mission so you know its gonna be a party

And this Saturday we had the baptism of Mauricio who is the nephew of Augusto who just randomly found us on the street after being inactive for 20 years. Crazy story for another time! But it was awesome and so great to see him get baptized and then confirmed Sunday

And this morning we played soccer and I'm in divisiones con Elder Bustos de EspaƱa because our comps didn't want to play haha

Ok that about it and here's a quote I heard from the prophet one time

"if you are keeping the commandments of God, you will have Joy everyday of your life." 

Bautismo!, cleaning the font, intercambios y the crazy wind we had


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