Plain & Simple Eternal Truths

*This email was entirely in Spanish so the translation might be funky*

Hi all

Elder Baum and I have a week together, and can not believe we've almost finished training.

This week started very hot, but now it is raining a ton again and the streets are flooded at times, so that's amazing. This week was good, with many members who taught me a thing or two about football. On Sunday was Mother's Day and Program of Primary, so it was amazing and great for people we've taught to see!

One morning he poured all day and we contacted all morning, and soaked up, but I loved it .

This week, during our lessons, it was so clear to me how Jesus Christ is literally the life, light and hope of the world. We teach people to persevere until the end with a perfect brightness of hope, and every time I strengthen my own testimony. There are so many things that people fight and struggle, and sometimes the world seems quite unforgiving; but Jesus Christ has overcome the world. We can have faith in him through the power of his atonement.

This week we would have a baptism, but the morning he retired. We talked to him and he fully understand the covenant of baptism, but he felt he was not ready. His situation is a bit complicated, but still comes to church and know that this is the true church of Jesus Christ, We'll continue to work with him.

Sunday night we had no appointment, so we were walking down the street and decided to go to contact. We ended up talking to three people outside his house and asking us about our beliefs and if we knew how it had started mormanismo and stuff. They had many questions and doubts because they had heard much reading the Internet and friends, but it was amazing because for every question and every question, there was an eternal truth or principle answered their questions. one hour after stroke Bible, and we surprised some moments when we used the Bible to answer questions, widened slightly, and invite them to read the Book of Mormon themselves and ask God. They said they were pleased to have spoken to us because they were afraid before and a misunderstanding of our church.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints is the kingdom of God on earth today, as we are examples of Jesus Christ, we can help others come to him and enjoy the blessings of the restored gospel.

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