veintiuno nuevos!!

Hi guys!

Things are great here in Villa Alem, and each day I love this work more and more. We've been showering with a bucket the past two weeks so that's been great,  but I've never been more grateful. Its so hot here but we've been getting some crazy lighting storms so that's been nice.

Elder Garcia-
This week was so packed and we found and talked to so many new people! Elder Garcia has already taught me a lot about teaching people and not lessons, which was something I thought I understood, but there's always something more to learn. Our purpose is not to check off the teaching record, but to apply the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the needs of the people we meet. 
Its been great because we only speak Spanish with each other so my Spanish has improved a ton, but he knows a little English so its funny when he says random phrases in English.

One guy we talked to at first didn't want much to do with God. He believed that he existed but didn't think there was life after this one. It was amazing to see his demeanor change as we testified that God was literally his father and that he has a plan of happiness for him .He kinda paused and asked us, ¨for me?¨, and we continued to tell him of the plan of happiness, mercy, love and Salvation that his father in heaven had for him, and his savior who is centered in that plan.

This week I've learned a lot about how we are imperfect servants, but the gospel is perfect, and the lord will sustain us because this truly is his work. Also my testimony has been strengthened that Christ knows us perfectly, our faults, our strengths, our desires, and our hearts, so we truly can rely on him to improve each day. 

We did service for Maria (there are so many people named Maria here) Corrazano, and it was so great because we cut her lawn with weed eaters and I got to use my mad golf course skills and help her with her yard. She is so great and knows a ton about the bible and wants to follow the Lord, and she has a testimony that the book of Mormon is the word of God.

Funny experience-
We were trying to find this one house of someone, and when we knocked on the door, the guy answered but only opened his window a bit and stuck his head out so that it was horizontal, and looked like it was trapped.  he had just woke up from a nap and idk why he didn't open his window more but I found this so funny the first 10 minutes we talked to him, because he talked to us like that as if it was the most normal thing in the world!

My testimony of the restoration was also strengthened this week, and I know that we are truly in the latter days. The kingdom of God has been restored on the earth with the authority and keys of the priesthood of god. The Book of Mormon is true, and is another testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and with the bible helps us learn about and come to know him. 
                                                               Elder Garcia
                                                            Mad Golf course skills

                                         Me disappointed because we lost


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