We got Robbed again, with a knife.

Ok so this week was awesome because we had two baptisms!! Francisco y Nelson are cousins and they got baptized together but boy did we have our share of trials to get to that point. We saw so many miracles and it was a good way for Elder Garcia to end his mission. I sure learned a lot from him and having him end his mission with me made me appreciate each day more, because time is passing way to fast

It has been so freaking hot here and its so humid. Kinda like Hawaii but without the ocean, so whenever it rains its greatly appreciated.  But Christmas is coming up and its so great because its a time when we can remember the light that Christ brought to the world and make an effort to share that light with others

Im staying here in villa Alem one more transfer and my comp is Elder Rios from Peru! Hes so awesome and I know were going to get along well! We got locked out of the pension right when he got here so were off to a great start haha but we cant wait to get to work in our area!

This week we worked hard to get things ready for the baptism and the last real day for Elder Garcia was when this guy tried to rob us.

So we were trying to find Francisco the day after his baptism, but he wasn't there so we decided to contact his neighbors. I had talked to this guy a few days ago so we went to his house and found his brother but he looked really worried and told us he didn't have time. He left and what we found out later is that he went and told the guy that robbed us that we were there. We contacted one house down and started to talk to the family! They were drinking mate and it was super tranquilo. 
I was talking to the dad and we were just at the gate of their house when I felt a knife in my back and then the guy telling me to give him  my phone. I turned around and said I didn't have it. Elder Garcia did but he didn't believe me that I didn't have it and started to search my pockets. Well he didn't find anything and then turned to Elder Garcia but Elder Garcia shoved him away.
The guy then tried to swipe the knife at Garcia's face but he dodged it and then knocked the knife out of his had. I picked it up and then started to back away because he didn't have the knife any more and we had other lessons to teach haha.
But Elder Garcia wanted to fight the guy and he kicked him a few times and then the guy slapped Garcia in the face HARD! This just made him more mad and then the guy picked up huge rock and put it over his head. At this point Elder Garcia backed down but told him to put it down and he did! We then walked away and told the guy that we talk about the family and the teachings of Jesus Christ. That as missionaries we dont have anything but books and pamphlets, and then the guy left and we went our way and taught our lessons.

Crazy stuff and this was the first time someone had tried to rob Elder Garcia. After we both talked about how we felt constrained from doing more and I know that it was the promptings of the Holy Ghost. If we follow the spirit we will be protected and guided as what to do. 

After Garcia went home I was in a trio with E Burningham and E smith which was fun and I'm excited for this transfer with Elder Rios to practice my Spanish more! I'm sweating so much writing this, but I'm excited to stay in Tucuman for 6 more weeks.

Love you all and remember this time of year to share the Light of Christ with others. He lives and we can come to know him as we serve others.

1. bautismos!
2. with a friend of ours
3.bye bye elder Garcia
4.Elder Rios!
6. our district


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