Families can be Together Forever -Dec 31st

Happy New Year!

This week was crazy hot with some crazy rain storms too! One minute its super muggy and hot and the other we are soaked and walking through the streets as if they were rivers. We also had two baptisms this week and it was so great! 

Christmas eve we sang some carols in centro and that was a lot of fun!
Christmas day we had some lessons in the morning and then a Christmas lunch with a family in the ward that is so awesome! We also got to call our families with video chat! I hit 6 months in the mission this week but it feels like I left yesterday! I love my family so much and it was so great to talk to them!

This week we worked with Marcos and Romina to prepare them for their baptism!  and I loved, especially this week, seeing the hope that the gospel brings the people we teach, and the desires they have to change their lives. 

Marcos- has had some pretty hard times in his life, and felt a lot of guilt for things he had done. He has two kids but doesn't live with them, and loves them so much. All he wants is to change and be happy, and to have his family with him forever. 

Romina- has 1 kid and lots of problems with her family. Her mom passed away last year and her faith in Christ is growing. She wants to raise her kid right with the teachings of Jesus Christ, and her family is the most important thing to her. 

The Family truly is ordained of God. In today's world we are seeing lots of changes, but we find true happiness when our family is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. With his priesthood power once again upon the earth and with temples, families truly can be sealed together forever. 

This week was a good one, and Im grateful for this time I have as a missionary. One for my conversion to the Gospel, but more than anything for getting to see this conversion and change in other people. God is preparing people to receive this message in their lives, and as missionaries we are blessed with the opportunity to share the joyful experience of repentance with those that we teach. I know that as we live the principles of the Gospel is when we truly gain a testimony of it. 

Elder Rios has taught me a lot about humility and hard work, and I'm grateful for his friendship. We are working hard together and we both want to improve our ability to be instruments in the hands of God. 

Love you all and hope this new year is great!

1. Christmas EVE
2.Elder Rios y Yo
3.mi familia
4.bautismo de romina
5.bautismo de marcos
6.yo y marcos
7.mucho lluvia 


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