No Greater Work on Earth! 3 Bautismos! Feb 11,2019

This week was so good

It started out when I found out that a family I had taught in last area (Villa Alem) got baptized! It was such an amazing experience, to have seen their progress throughout my time there, and then to finally see them enter the waters of baptism! Pretty special moment. I have so much love for them and for our Father in Heaven, whose work this is. (FOTOS Below)

Tambien! This week we baptized David, Juan y Silvio! They are the kids of a part member family that is beginning to come back to church. They are wild, and a lot of fun, and it was great to experience their baptisms with them! they literally hunt birds while we walk to church with them haha

This week we worked on following the promptings of the spirit, and found two families that called out to us as we were walking! Mormones! or Elderes! it was cool to have been in the right moment to find them, and one of them met with the missionaries a long time ago and the other got baptized but left the church for a while. Now we're teaching them and helping them return to the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Tormenta Blanca. This week our zone went to a small town that hasn't had missionaries in 20 years, and just contacted and visited houses there! It was really cool and we found a lot of amazing people to teach. 

I ATE a chunk of soup concentrate thinking that it was a caramel so that was pretty stupid 

We also did divisiones with the Elders in Pichanal so Elder Gonzales was in Embarcacion with me and we found some really good families to teach. hes from Mexico and actually knows a lot of English so I helped him with that and he with my Spanish. I learned a lot from him and it was a good day with a lot of lessons. 

Sunday I gave a talk in church, and it was longer than my talks ever were in English back home haha. cool to see the progress and have the opportunity. 

GOD is our Father and he LOVES us. 
As we come to know him, we want to become like him
Everything he has done, is doing and will do is because he loves us. 

This is truly the greatest work on earth. I'm grateful for this opportunity I have to serve my God, and invite others to come unto Christ and find happiness in him. 
There is no better way to live

-Elder Blackburn

1.lafamilia de Villa Alem
2. su bautismo!!
3. bautismo de los chicos!
4. almuerzo hoy


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