Tengo Gozo en mi Alma March 25, 2019
This week was so great
We were having some trouble finding people to teach, and one of the
people that we had visited told us he had a "twin" when we went back
to talk to him, and that his twin that we had talked to wasn't there.
It was obviously the same guy but pretty funny!
But after talking with a ton of people we had a pretty amazing
experience and found a family that has been prepared to hear the
gospel. My Testimony of the Holy Ghost and its ability to guide us has
grown immensely. After the lesson my comp started crying and it was a
special moment for us. We were so grateful for the faith we had to
keep talking and keep knocking on doors, knowing that people are
prepared for this message, even when sometimes everyone rejects it.
And that was something that Elder Bragg talked about when he came to
talk to us! Hes from the quorum of the seventy, and it was an awesome
conference. He talked of the Temple that is going to be in Salta, and
the trust the Lord has in us to prepare the people for The House of
The Lord. Knowing of that trust, we as missionaries can have the faith
to talk with everybody and share the Gospel, because this land is
prepared to have a temple. Pretty cool stuff
It was fun going to Salta for the conference because we stayed
overnight and saw a lot of old friends and old companions. We walked
the streets of Salta Friday night and it was freezing but it was a fun
She is so amazing, and I'm so grateful to have seen her change these
past few weeks. More than anything I've seen the power the Gospel of
Jesus Christ has to Change us. The whole branch went to her baptism
and my hijito got to baptize and it was all such a cool experience. I
love my Savior and I'm so grateful for his gospel in my life, and this
time that I have to share it with others.
This week I was so happy. I felt so much peace. And I felt so much Joy
to be a missionary at this time. Sunday Emilce was confirmed a member
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I also gave a
talk,and played piano! Its a lot of work it a little branch but I love
We need to see the Eternal Potential of Everybody! We are ALL far from
Perfect, but the beauty of this gospel is that we can become better.
Our Father in Heaven is Patient,
If he is patient with us we should be patient with others. All God has
ever had to work with is imperfect people, but through small and
simple things he brings to pass great and marvelous things.
Love you all!
Elder Blackburn
2. Elder Bragg!
3.Emilce con la Rama!
5. kinda like a ski lift
6. Elder Gonzalez (otro)

We were having some trouble finding people to teach, and one of the
people that we had visited told us he had a "twin" when we went back
to talk to him, and that his twin that we had talked to wasn't there.
It was obviously the same guy but pretty funny!
But after talking with a ton of people we had a pretty amazing
experience and found a family that has been prepared to hear the
gospel. My Testimony of the Holy Ghost and its ability to guide us has
grown immensely. After the lesson my comp started crying and it was a
special moment for us. We were so grateful for the faith we had to
keep talking and keep knocking on doors, knowing that people are
prepared for this message, even when sometimes everyone rejects it.
And that was something that Elder Bragg talked about when he came to
talk to us! Hes from the quorum of the seventy, and it was an awesome
conference. He talked of the Temple that is going to be in Salta, and
the trust the Lord has in us to prepare the people for The House of
The Lord. Knowing of that trust, we as missionaries can have the faith
to talk with everybody and share the Gospel, because this land is
prepared to have a temple. Pretty cool stuff
It was fun going to Salta for the conference because we stayed
overnight and saw a lot of old friends and old companions. We walked
the streets of Salta Friday night and it was freezing but it was a fun
She is so amazing, and I'm so grateful to have seen her change these
past few weeks. More than anything I've seen the power the Gospel of
Jesus Christ has to Change us. The whole branch went to her baptism
and my hijito got to baptize and it was all such a cool experience. I
love my Savior and I'm so grateful for his gospel in my life, and this
time that I have to share it with others.
This week I was so happy. I felt so much peace. And I felt so much Joy
to be a missionary at this time. Sunday Emilce was confirmed a member
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I also gave a
talk,and played piano! Its a lot of work it a little branch but I love
We need to see the Eternal Potential of Everybody! We are ALL far from
Perfect, but the beauty of this gospel is that we can become better.
Our Father in Heaven is Patient,
If he is patient with us we should be patient with others. All God has
ever had to work with is imperfect people, but through small and
simple things he brings to pass great and marvelous things.
Love you all!
Elder Blackburn
2. Elder Bragg!
3.Emilce con la Rama!
5. kinda like a ski lift
6. Elder Gonzalez (otro)
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