Believing in Christ VS Believing Christ-April 1, 2019

This week was great! Halfway through they took away our water filter
because the water is so dirty here. Now we have a water dispenser that
works pretty good. We had more sun and less rain which was awesome,
and my sons training is going awesome! hes a stud and i'm learning a
lot from him.

Tues I went on splits with Elder Baum, my trainer! And that was a fun
time. Crazy to see how much has changed and how much we've grown. I've
learned a lot from him, and its cool that were in the same zone again.

Wed we helped an hermana in the branch with her little pool she had to
take down and that was a lot of fun!

Thursday Elder Gonzalez got sick and had the runs like crazy, but its
all good, that's usually what happens to new missionaries haha. He's
doing good right now but for a day or two he was struggling.

Friday we helped a lady make bread and then taught her the plan of Salvation.

I slept through MY time in seminary, so didn't remember a lot haha, but
it was great to teach the youth of the branch (all 3 of them) and
share our experiences and testimonies and teach the lesson for that

Sunday we passed by Gabriel (a kid that we found a couple weeks ago)
and he went to church with us, and went with white shirt and tie and a
vest and everything. Hes 18, has a strong testimony of his savior, and
we've had some great lessons with him. Church was great and the Gomez
subiri family went too!

After we went to a house in the middle of nowhere that's 3km outside of
town. They were a reference from a family in the branch and we walked
the whole way along the road in the middle of the country side and it
was awesome. WE ended up teaching them and they're a great family! and
they had ostriches so that was wild

I've been reading a book called Believing Christ, and everyone should read it.
Because the Grace of God is the greatest news of the Gospel.

with "Gods absolute demand for perfection and our absolute inability
to come up with it. We cannot be allowed to live in the presence of
God, sinful and imperfect beings as we are"

Grace is the goodwill that predisposes God to act positively toward
human beings.

Its the same with parents and their children! They love their tiny
infants even before they can respond to that love, and Gods character
is love, and he cares about our eternal progression.

"We CANT do it on our own, but Jesus Christ will share,
and HIS MERITS with us.

By becoming one with a perfect Christ through his gospel covenant we
are accepted as perfect"

Sometimes we are too hard on ourselves, but if we are doing all we
can, if we do our best, WHATEVER THAT MAY BE, it is enough, and Christ
makes up the rest.

How great is our GOD! as we come unto Christ we find peace.
I know it

Hope this week is great! -Elder Blackburn

1. mi papi
2.splits con Baum


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