Fireflies and Truth from Heaven April 15, 2019

We were in Salta basically this whole week, so we couldn't work much in
our area, but it was a lot of fun! We went to do my companions visa
paperwork, and while he was doing that I was with the Elders in Salta
helping them in their area. It was great to spend time with them and I
learned a lot of good things.
     We were also there for a 6 WEEK meeting for all the new
missionaries to see how they are adjusting to missionary life and what
they are looking forward to in the next 6 weeks. It was a lot of fun,
and we saw a lot of old friends. Presidents son is a stud and knows a
ton of English and we just kinda chilled in Salta till Friday.

Once back in our area, we worked hard the few days we were there! One
night we PLAYED SOCCER with some kids we found in the street and it
was hard to see anything, but we definitely won haha. Afterwords one of
the kids asked us to TEACH HIS FAMILY, so we went with him to his
house and taught his family about the restoration.

Another night as we were teaching there were some FIREFLIES. I have
never seen fireflies in my life so that was amazing. Pretty cool

One lesson we were teaching the family started to argue about a ton of
religious topics, and the spirit left so quick, and as we listened it
dawned on me that TRUTH about anything comes directly from GOD. We
bore testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ, and the fact that we ALL
can receive personal revelation.

ALMA 57:25  And it came to pass that there were two hundred, out of my
two thousand and sixty, who had fainted because of the loss of blood;
nevertheless, according to the goodness of God, and to our great
astonishment, and also the joy of our whole army, there was not one
soul of them who did perish; yea, and neither was there one soul among
them who had not received many wounds.

I love this scripture from the Book of Mormon, because in life we all
experience difficult times. Just because we believe in God or keep his
commandments doesn't mean we wont have to experience hard things. What
we learn from this scripture is that LIFE IS LIFE, but if we TRUST in
GOD, we will NOT PERISH. We will receive wounds along the way, but we
will LEARN from them and GROW, and ultimately be BLESSED.

Trust in God!

-Elder Blackburn

FOTOS that looks like a cow
2.bye bye Elder Smith and Gonzalez
3.All the missionaries that had the same MTC teacher


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