Work Brings Blessings-April 8, 2019

What a week! I got bit by a dog, but only because I had stepped on his
foot on accident haha. Were all good and still friends. We also made
pancakes but then we realized we didn't have flour so that was a
bummer. Also one of the people we are teaching asked me to write a
love letter in English for his girlfriend so it was a pretty normal

In his email a few weeks ago Elder Astle (my good buddy in Fiji) said
something that I took to heart. He talked about how our success isn't
based on our baptisms, but on our work. "Baptisms are the Lords
success and his doing. Hes the one converting the hearts of the people
through the holy ghost. Working hard is our success as missionaries. I
loved that and as I applied it this week gained a testimony of its

We saw how east it really is to share the gospel by being friendly and
open with everyone! We talked about Christ and his teachings in
situations we hadn't thought possible and found a lot of great people
to teach.

Wednesday a member got pretty sick and was in the hospital so we went
there to give her a blessing. The POWER of the priesthood is REAL. My
companion gave a simple blessing, and the room filled with the SPIRIT!
It was a sweet moment we shared with her and her family.

GABRIEL! el es muy capo (hes a stud)! We've been teaching him the past
couple weeks and he loves the lessons. He came with us to church last
week and to General Conference! He said his friends had made fun of
him for his church clothes when they saw him walking in the street,
but he said he didn't care and that he felt good every time we taught
him and that he read The Book of Mormon!
We left him to read the first chapter of the Book of Mormon but he
read to chapter 5, and then shared his testimony. He loved ch3 verse7
when it talks about going and doing what the Lord commands and he is
learning for HIMSELF that these things are true!

It was all in Spanish but i understand that now so that's cool.

What a time to live in the world! To be guided by the direction of a
prophet of God, and to know that revelation continues in an
ever-changing world.

As we abide by their councils and apply their teachings to our lives,
I know we will be prepared for the second coming of the Lord Jesus

This conf we have heard his voice, of whose church this is, and have
seen his hand in this work. Especially here in Embarcacion because a
family we are teaching called us to ask how to get to the website to
view the conf. and they called right before a talk that they needed to
hear! How great is our God!

I love this Gospel. I know its true and that Jesus Christ is the
Redeemer of the world. Last night my companion and I were looking at
the stars and he said, "you know what?" and i responded "there's a God"
and he said "and its beautiful!"

Love you all! -Elder Blackburn

1.mi compaƱero y yo
2. gabriel
3.mi hijito


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