Pure Love of Christ June 10,2019

This week was a little nuts with all the propaganda for the city
elections, and everybody was involved. That made it a little hard to
talk to people or get them to church but elections were this Sunday so
we good! Everyone should have more time to talk now.

Johana, the girl we were teaching back in embarcacion got baptized! i
attached a pic below!

We had never tried contacting in the park, but wanted to try it, so we
went and starting to talk to everyone we could see. We saw this lady
sitting on a bench and she looked pretty sad so we decided to go and
talk to her. It turned out she was just really tired, but she had
talked to missionaries before and we ended up having a great talk with

my shoes have a huge hole in them! (pic below)

My favorite thing is riding our bikes at night through Argentina's
countryside. The moon lights the way and you can see so many stars and
I just take it in! I have so much love for our God and for what he has
made for us, and I'm striving to have a LOVE for people like he has for
me. To see them as HIS CHILDREN and serve them. I'm learning a lot about
myself and about the nature of God, and the potential we have as his
Children! I wouldn't trade this mission experience for anything.

With the people we teach I'm learning the difference between my will
for them and Gods will for them. Sometimes I get ahead of myself and
want to see results right away, but I'm quickly humbled as I remember
this is the Lords work and not mine.

I know that as we strive to follow Christ in Loving our God and others
above all else, we will see how everything falls into place. We truly
are nothing if we don't have charity, and Charity is the pure love of
Christ. So go show some love to those around you, and your life and
their life will be filled with JOY.

Heres some pics
1.  Amor es todo
2. zone jerseys!
3.El bautismo de johana!!
4. RIP my shoes
5. downtown concepcion


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