Coming to know my Savior July 22nd, 2019

¿Como Estan!!?
This week was a great one with so many wonderful experiences. I love
my area (Palermo) and every day we are treated with amazing views of
the mountains and sunsets! Its honestly breathtaking, and sometimes we
teach people in this part where you can see all of Salta in the
distance so thats pretty cool.

Also everyday is leg day with all the hills we have in our area.
Luckily our bikes have gears because if not I would die.

We had a conference on Tuesday with half of the mission, and it was un
dia de mas animo! We learned about having the faith to go through our
trials and to trust in God that our trials are to help us grow. WE
also played a ton of soccer and volleyball, and other random games. It
was a ton of fun, and next week I should have pictures!

my dad told me to take advantage of this time to learn of Christ and
to follow him, because after my mission my life will be filled with
other things that will call my attention. I started focusing my
studies and everything I do with that in mind, and In just one week
Ive noticed a difference. Im coming to know my savior. He lives and
knows us personally, and he invites all to come and know him

This week Lautaro Angelo was baptized! his whole family is going to
church and will eventually be baptized too, but for some reason they
wanted to wait and not get baptized this saturday. They called last
minute and said they wanted to feel more sure, which is totally fine!
but Lautaro said that he was ready and wanted to do it! hes such a
stud and such an example for his family! hes 13 and is the youngest in
his family, and right before his baptism we read with him from the
scriptures in 1 nephi 7:8, where it talks about nefi being the example
for his older brothers.

We are seeing so many miracles lately, and honestly I cant relate all
of my experiences or stories, but know that we see miracles EVERY DAY.
God is our father and his ways are not our ways. His time is not our
time, and we can trust in him to show us how to have LASTING

1.bautismo de Lautaro
2. we climbed a hill
3.the boys
4.una iglesia católica
5. overlooking salta
6.the view


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