One year in the mission July 1st, 2019 and I'm leaving Familia! July 8th, 2019

This week was a pretty cold one, and im absolutely loving it here in
Famailla! We had a baptism and have seen the Lords hand in so many
ways. I interviewed the sweetest 86 year old man for his baptism, and
felt the love he had for his savior and the love Jesus Christ has for
him! it was a great experience.

It was also raining a ton one morning, and I said a half hearted
prayer that it would stop, not thinking much of it after that. I
looked out the window and IT HAD STOPPED! It hit me that God truly
does hear our prayers, no matter if its for something small. And just
imagine the power of prayer when we truly pray with faith, believing
that we will recieve, and how much our Father in Heaven really wants
to bless us!

ONE YEAR AGO I was feeling pretty nervous but also super excited, I
had left for the MTC in mexico, lost my flight, lost my bags, put my
faith in God and recieved a testimony through my trials, and ONE YEAR
LATER im still putting my faith in God and seeing his hand in my life.
I KNOW JESUS CHRIST LIVES. This past year has been unbelievable. I
dont have words to express my love and appreciation for my savior, but
sharing his Gospel with his children in Argentina brings me JOY
everyday of my life!


1.Burning a shirt for 1 year!
2.una familia que estamos enseƱando
3.con las hermanas de Monteros
4. im on a bridge
5. Elder Jones sleeping on the job


I'm leaving Familia!  July 8th, 2019 (Mom here...I missed the email above when I posted this...didn't want the blog to be out of order so combined both letters/pictures here.)

I got the news a couple days ago that I had to leave Famailla! I had
just gotten there and it was honestly one of my favorite areas (not to
mention with the best empanadas in the world), and Elder Jones...we
had so much fun together and we worked so hard! HE will be missed but
now Im in Salta! My area is Palermo and Im going to be a Zone Leader
here, and Im honestly very excited for this time Ill have here to
serve the people and the Lord.

NOELIA GOT BAPTIZED! this was a miracle. the first time we met her she
was drunk, and its been an amazing experience to see her change as she
has come unto Christ. She was so excited for her baptism, even though
the water was absolutely FREEZING! one of the coolest things was to
see the support from her Mom, who got baptized about a month ago! She
shared her testimony with her daughter of the importance of baptism
and is a huge example in her life.

My last day in church was bitter sweet. More people than weve ever had
went and it was such a great meeting! Im sure gonna miss the members
there. My time was short but I got to know a lot of them and see the
Gospel work in their lives!

My new comp is Elder Ruis de Mexico! Hes a stud and im excited for
this next transfer! Hes from the same town as Elder Gonzalez (the
missionary I trained!)

2.branch familia
3.familia Arrieta!
4.ilda! the famous lady that sweeps ALL DAY
5.Elder Jones :(
6.Elder Smith and the bus ride to salta


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