Our Rock and Redeemer July 29, 2019
This week was one of the coldest of my mission
I am getting better at futsal!
and we helped a family build their second story so im learning how to
do constuction here in Argentina haha
On tuesday I was on splits with Elder Benites and that man is a stud.
Hes just starting his mission but I learned so much from him.
On Sunday we had a ward confernece and I played piano for the Choir
which was crazy because I cant read music but it just so happend that
they were singing one of the two songs I know from memory! Church went
well and it was was sick because we had the confirmations for the 3
BAPTISMS that we had!!
We have been so blessed these past few weeks, and the people we are
teaching are so so cool.
Let me tell you about the Familia Angelo! I wasnt there when the
missionaries found them, but I know our Father in heaven was behind it
all. Elder Ruiz said that the day they knocked on their door that he
was tired of contacting because nobody wanted to listen. It had been a
long day already, and he didnt want to keep trying, but they kept
contacting, till in the end of the day they found this family and it
was like a slap in the face because this family is honestly such a
God is preparing his children for the restored Gospel! 2 of Lautaros
siblings decided to follow his example and the example of their savior
and be baptized! Its for families like this that make all the hard
times, rejections, flat bike tires, sickness, homesickness, trials,
and afflicitons worth it! I know that with time that the rest of the
family will follow in the footsteps of lautaro and be baptized and
eventually choose to make covenants with God and one day be sealed as
a family in the temple for all eternity!
Sabrina also was baptized and it was so cool to see her change and
help her realized that she was ready a long time ago, she just had to
act with the Faith that she already had.
This life is not always easy, and sooner or later we face trials.
"but time and chance happeneth to them all." -ecclesiastes 9:11
even if we are doing the best we can to live the Gospel, life hits us
all with curveballs.
The only constant in this world of variables is Jesus Christ. He is
our Rock and our Redeemer, and admist all our trials we must wait upon
him for deliverance.
"I will wait for the Lord...I will put my trust in him" - Isaiah 8:17
no matter the burden or the affliction, in Christ we find peace when
we turn our hearts to him. "You will seek me and find me when you seek
me with all your heart" Jeremiah 29:13
I love what I do as a missionary every day, and I know that what we
teach is true. it is what the savior taught when he was here on the
earth and what he will teach you if you invite the spirit in your life
and seek him with all your heart!
THanks for all the prayers!
1.dia de mas animo!
3.best team out there

I am getting better at futsal!
and we helped a family build their second story so im learning how to
do constuction here in Argentina haha
On tuesday I was on splits with Elder Benites and that man is a stud.
Hes just starting his mission but I learned so much from him.
On Sunday we had a ward confernece and I played piano for the Choir
which was crazy because I cant read music but it just so happend that
they were singing one of the two songs I know from memory! Church went
well and it was was sick because we had the confirmations for the 3
BAPTISMS that we had!!
We have been so blessed these past few weeks, and the people we are
teaching are so so cool.
Let me tell you about the Familia Angelo! I wasnt there when the
missionaries found them, but I know our Father in heaven was behind it
all. Elder Ruiz said that the day they knocked on their door that he
was tired of contacting because nobody wanted to listen. It had been a
long day already, and he didnt want to keep trying, but they kept
contacting, till in the end of the day they found this family and it
was like a slap in the face because this family is honestly such a
God is preparing his children for the restored Gospel! 2 of Lautaros
siblings decided to follow his example and the example of their savior
and be baptized! Its for families like this that make all the hard
times, rejections, flat bike tires, sickness, homesickness, trials,
and afflicitons worth it! I know that with time that the rest of the
family will follow in the footsteps of lautaro and be baptized and
eventually choose to make covenants with God and one day be sealed as
a family in the temple for all eternity!
Sabrina also was baptized and it was so cool to see her change and
help her realized that she was ready a long time ago, she just had to
act with the Faith that she already had.
This life is not always easy, and sooner or later we face trials.
"but time and chance happeneth to them all." -ecclesiastes 9:11
even if we are doing the best we can to live the Gospel, life hits us
all with curveballs.
The only constant in this world of variables is Jesus Christ. He is
our Rock and our Redeemer, and admist all our trials we must wait upon
him for deliverance.
"I will wait for the Lord...I will put my trust in him" - Isaiah 8:17
no matter the burden or the affliction, in Christ we find peace when
we turn our hearts to him. "You will seek me and find me when you seek
me with all your heart" Jeremiah 29:13
I love what I do as a missionary every day, and I know that what we
teach is true. it is what the savior taught when he was here on the
earth and what he will teach you if you invite the spirit in your life
and seek him with all your heart!
THanks for all the prayers!
1.dia de mas animo!
3.best team out there
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