The work of God July 15, 2019

This week was so great. Im more TIRED than ever, but things are
honestly going so well. I love my new area, its in Salta Capital, and
we are on a hill that overlooks the valley! If the TEMPLE were
finished, wed be able to see it from our area!

We are like 30 minutes from the mission offices so we see President
more often and Salta is such a cool place.
Being a Zone leader is such a great opportunity to serve other
missionaries (we have 21 missionaries in our Zone) but I feel like Im
in my training again haha with all the things Im learning. ELDER RUIZ
is so much fun and we are working well together! we had 10 people come
to church and they all have a desire to be baptized! He's also taught
me a lot about teaching the way the savior taught, and we've been
seeing so many blessings here in Palermo.

We've been playing a lot of soccer to find new people to teach and I
bought some sweeet new shoes ahaha but really, soccer is working well
to find people who are prepared for the Gospel!

We got to CHURCH and 2 minutes before Sacrament meeting they asked us
to give TALKS! I didn't have anything prepared, but was like yeah! I
can talk about something! As missionaries we talk to EVERYBODY
EVERYDAY so its not too hard now to give a little talk ahah.

I know without a doubt this is the work of God! HE knows the beginning
from the end, he knows his children and he loves them! This is the
ONLY TRUE and LIVING church on earth. If you don't believe me, ASK GOD!

I feel very blessed to be here in Salta at this time! I come closer to
my savior every day, and this mission experience is something I will
never forget.

1.from the leadership meeting for new leaders shoes
3.Elder Ruiz with our dart board
4.our view


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