14 Months! Aug 26, 2019

This week was super great! Today marks the 14th month mark so that's
crazy.  I'm still in my area, Palermo, and I'm now with Elder Bustos!!
We came here to Argentina together so we've been friends for over a
year now, and we had always joked about being companions! Hes from
Madrid, Spain and everyone makes fun of or loves his accent ahah its
about 50 50.

This week I almost burnt my eyebrows off turning on our water heater,
but they just got a little singed so we good haha

We are pretty hopeful for this transfer and for the miracles we are
seeing daily with the people we teach. Sabrina and her friends said
they want to serve missions and that took us by surprise! I hope they
decide to do it to so they can bless the lives of others and their own
lives too.

We are going to start fasting for the people we teach, with the faith
that we will see miracles in their lives. The truth is that I have a
testimony of fasting, but it can always be strengthened. In my house i
may not have been the best at it, but our Father in Heaven is always
inviting us to keep his commandments and to gain a testimony for
ourselves that its true.

a prophet in the book of Mormon taught, ¨"For how knoweth a man the
master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is
far from the thoughts and intents of his heart? (Mosiah 5:13)

I read that this week and it has given me more of a desire to
strengthen my testimony. We cant say that something isn't true or that
it doesn't work if we aren't actively using our faith to apply it to our

I love reading the words of the Prophet, and here's a quote from him
KNOWLEDGE" - Russel M Nelson

God reveals things to us line upon line, precept upon precept, and the
beauty of it is that we are always learning!! Sometimes we feel like
we are lost, or that we don't understand everything, but that's okay
because the ways of God are not the ways of man. In doctrine and
covenants 59 it says

Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the
design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter,
and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation.
 For after much tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day
cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet,
but is nigh at hand.

I'm starting to learn to trust in the Lord more and less in my own
understanding! Trust in God and in the Joy he has planned for you. con
amor, Elder Blackburn

1.first day with bustos
2. pday with the district!
3.lunch with the zone
4. pic with a goat
5. sunset
6.making empanadas


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